Three / Live From Electric Lady

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Act One / Chapter Three

Act One / Chapter Three

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jack: hey, mikah right? sorry for reaching out so abruptly, i had a session with t today but she canceled so i was wondering if you wanted to stop by the studio? only if ur up for it/in the area ofc, i'll be in basically all day so just lmk.

mikah: oh my god!! hi. yes, mikah. i'm totally up for it! i'll be there at like 1pm? thanks so much dude!!

jack: yeah no problem, i'm excited to see what you've got!


What does one wear to a studio session with Jack Antonoff? She narrowed it down to big jeans and her non-emotional support hoodie, after about 15 minutes of contemplating whether she wanted to seem fashionable. Ended up going with casual but not sweatpants casual.

"I'm going out, I don't know when I'll be back" Mikah calls out, grabbing her keys. Ayden's in the house somewhere, not bothering to even acknowledge his sister. "There's some stuff in the fridge you can heat up if I'm not back before dinnertime."

God, she feels like his mother.

Too many thoughts are swirling through her head as she drives herself to Electric Lady Studios.

When Jack said, "I had a session with T but she canceled", he's talking about who she thinks he's talking about, right?

Why does Jack Fucking Antonoff wanna work with Mikah of all people, anyway. She's not special. Just an almost-thirty-year-old kid who writes songs for fun. It has to be too good to be true.

But it was true.

She doesn't know what to do when she gets there, so she just awkwardly knocks on the door. After a few moments the door opens up and she sees Jack.

"Hey!" He says, welcoming her in with much enthusiasm.

"Hi.." Mikah says, cautiously stepping inside. "I don't really have much written but-"

"Oh, no, that's okay! Just show me what you've got and we can play around, yeah?"

"Yeah.." Mikah takes a seat on a beanbag chair (which was basically the only thing to sit on, other than the floor and the piano bench). "So do we just wanna get into it or.."

"I mean, if you want to," Jack shrugs, "I'd like to get to know you a bit, though, if that's okay."

"Oh! Yeah, that's all good." Mikah says, sitting upright, "Well, my name's Mikah, as you know. Um, I'm twenty-nine, I graduated school like two years ago? I think, and I'm gay."

"Cool, cool, cool. I'm not sure how many queer people I work with, if I do at all."

Mikah laughs, "I mean, you have to, right?"

"Well, I know Claire is bi, and Taylor might- I probably shouldn't say that." The expression on Mikah's face could only be described as oh! "Anyway, let's see what you've got written, I wanna see what I can do."

"Okay, okay." Mikah grins, digging through her phone, "I only have one that's recorded so far, and it's only like half a song, I hope that's alright."

"That's great! Let me hear it!"

Mikah presses play on the voice memo, wincing at how she sounds recorded

"I have a friend I call
When I've bored myself to tears
And we talk until we think we might just kill ourselves
But then we laugh until it disappears

And last night I blacked out in my car
And I woke up in my childhood bed
Wishin' I was someone else, feelin' sorry for myself
When I remembered someone's kid is dead

Jesus Christ, I'm so blue all the time
And that's just how I feel
Always have and I always will
I always have and always will

And it's 4 AM again
And I'm doin' nothing

"Oh wow that's.."

"Depressing? Yeah, I know."

"No, no it's amazing. Like really, really amazing"

"You really think so?"

"Yeah! I know exactly what I want to do on the track, it's so great." Jack says, getting up to fiddle with some keyboards, "Feel free to grab a guitar or whatever, and show me more of what you got. I'm gonna make you an album, I'm serious."

Mikah can't believe this is really happening, she's beside herself. What the fuck does Jack Antonoff see in her? This is insane, this can't be real.

She stands up and grabs a standard acoustic guitar, strumming out a simple melody that had been rolling around in her head for a bit,

"I don't forgive you
But please don't hold me to it
Born under Scorpio skies
I wanted to see the world
Through your eyes, until it happened
Then I changed my mind"

She scribbles the words down on a piece of paper as she listens to Jack mess around with drum machines. She hasn't been this productive in forever, it's amazing.

"Okay, okay, I think I've got a groove here, can you send me that voice memo?"

This is the best day of Mikah's life, she's so serious.


superioralbright ya girls at the stuuuudio

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superioralbright ya girls at the stuuuudio

tagged jackantonoff


hey guuuuys. this one's a little shorter but i wanted to at least get one more chapter out before school starts!
also it's my birthday and it being my birthday = update :)
and yes i know phoebe doesn't work with jack but i'm unoriginal and mikah is phoebe so they are going to have the same songs
pls vote, comment, don't ghost read okay love yoooouuuu xx

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