Seven / I Can See You

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Act One, Chapter Seven

Act One, Chapter Seven

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770 words

"What do you like to drink?" Taylor asks, placing her glass on the bar stand, looking back to Mikah,

"I'll just have what you're having, I guess,"

"You sure? I'm getting whiskey. Just wanna make sure you can, y'know.."

"Girl, my dad is literally English, I can handle whiskey," Mikah laughs, making Taylor laugh in return. Mikah just...stands there, watching Taylor order the drinks. Almost mesmerized by her.

Get your head out of your ass, Albright. This is Taylor Fucking Swift, she's way out of your league. You're just some gay kid Jack essentially picked up off the side of the road.

"Here," Taylor says, handing Mikah the drink, breaking her out of whatever daze she was just in. "God, I really don't wanna be here." She mutters, taking a swig of whiskey that was a little too large, wincing slightly as it burned her throat.

Mikah leans against the bar counter, "You could go home?"

"But I don't wanna be at home eitherrrr," Taylor groans, "Like, being here means people, but being at home means I have to be alone, and I don't want either of those things!"

"Oh, that's so real," Mikah says, "My home life is..not great."

Taylor's face immediately softens, "Oh yeah?"

"Yeah, it's..yeah," Mikah trips over her words a bit, "I don't really wanna talk about it."

"That's okay, just...feel free to reach out to Jack, or me, or really anyone in this room right now if you need anything."

"Okay," Mikah says, her voice a whisper. Honestly just dumbfounded by how nice everyone is. Maybe she does have a chance.

"I'm serious, Jack's the sweetest guy I know. I backed out of a lot of therapy this year because of tour and he's like half the reason I didn't go insane after my breakup."

"Is it okay if I-" Mikah hesitates, not fully knowing how to go about phrasing this, "May I ask about your breakup? You don't have to say anything, if you don't want to. You've just mentioned it a few times and I was wondering."

"Yeah, feel free," Taylor sips her drink, "I'm an open book, as long as you won't run your mouth to the media."

Mikah shakes her head, "I won't, I promise."

"We were together almost seven years, met in our mid-twenties. I thought he was this savior, saint, angel man but turns out he was no different. Just another pretentious asshole. But that's just how men are, y'know?"

"No, I don't know, I've-" Mikah stumbles, "I've only ever been with women."

"Oh," Taylor says, "Well, I'm sure there's women who are pretentious assholes, too!"

"Tell me about it," Mikah grumbles, "Random question, but was this aforementioned pretentious asshole British, by chance?"

"He was British..why do you ask?"

"No reason in particular, just your description of him kinda reminded me of how my mom talked about my dad."

Taylor bursts out laughing, "So pretentious assholery is a nationwide trade? Man, if I'd known that earlier maybe I wouldn't have strictly dated Brits for a decade!"

"British women are far less pretentious, trust me," Mikah says.

"Are you flirting with me?" Taylor teases, going over to refill her drink. Mikah going considerably red in the face.

"I'm not British," She quips back, sneaking in a wink

"Mm, but that doesn't mean you're not flirting," Taylor smirks, taking a sip of her drink, "If you're looking for an answer, I don't swing that way."

Oh, but you do.

"At least tell me about yourself first, I don't even know how old you are,"

"I'm twenty-nine,"

"Ooh, okay. I thought you were younger, guess you're just short."

"I am not short!" Mikah exclaims, "I'm like 5'7"

Taylor laughs, "You're short to me, is that better?" Mikah just rolls her eyes,

"I'm still pretty tall for a woman," She does an over dramatic, fake pout

"I could use your head as an arm rest if I had heals on, believe me."

"And I'd be the same height as you if I had my Docs on,"

A smirk splits across Taylor's face, "Touché. You're a good flirt, Albright."

"As are you, Swift," Mikah finishes off the rest of her drink, setting it on the table.

It's all kind of a blur after that. She remembers being let into a more exclusive area, can't remember if it was a bathroom or a hallway. But then, next thing she knew, she was against the wall. And she was kissing back.


and that concludes act one!
maniacal laughter
comment, vote, don't ghost read pls love you :)
not entirely proofread

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