Thirteen / Unless You Ask Me To

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Act Two, Chapter Thirteen

Act Two, Chapter Thirteen

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873 words

"Hey, I just realized," Taylor sits up, "I haven't heard you sing yet!"

They're very, very tipsy by now, Taylor's got her head in Mikah's lap. If you thought they were comfortable together before they officially established themselves as a situationship (or gal pals, as they said) you should see them now. Any form of awkward tension has just melted away. But maybe that was the alcohol.

"You're gonna have to get me a lot drunker before I sing for you," Mikah sloppily kisses Taylor's temple, making her wrinkle her nose.

"Oh so you'll sing for Jack but not me?"

"I pay Jack!"

"Mm, start charging me rent, then," Taylor says, pulling Mikah down and pressing her lips to hers. "I'll pay for your brother to move out, so we can have the place for ourselves."

"You're fucking drunk," Mikah murmurs. "You don't wanna live here, it's so small."

"It's cozy!" Taylor fake pouts, "I am drunk, though, you got me there. How could you tell?"

"You get really flushed after about 2 drinks, it was one of the first things I noticed about you, actually." Mikah giggles as Taylor moves herself so she's in her lap, head on her shoulder, "And you're being clingy."

"I am not!" Taylor exclaims, scrambling out of Mikah's lap, "Why aren't you as drunk?"

"I have a higher tolerance than you, I guess," Mikah shrugs, "I think I have some vodka around here somewhere, that gets me wasted pretty fast if I shoot it."

"I am not shooting vodka, I will throw up."

"I'll play you a songgg!"

"Nice try, Mik, but I don't like you enough to burn up my esophagus for a song."

Mikah brings her hand to her chest in fake offense, "How could you say something like that!"

"I know, I'm sorry," Taylor giggles, pulling Mikah in for another kiss, "You know, I don't think I've felt this happy and ease in ages."

"I'm so glad," Mikah smiles, "I, um, I do actually have something I wrote that I want to show you. It's, well, it's kind of..about you."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah, come with me," She leads Taylor into her room, gesturing for her to sit on the bed and grabbing her guitar from the corner. "Sorry if this is, like, awkward or anything, I've never really don't this before."

"As long as you're not about to start playing Wonderwall it'll be fine," Taylor jokes, feeling those giddy butterflies starting to creep up into her stomach.

"Well, here goes nothing, I guess," Mikah clears her throat before she begins,

"Well, I am tired of being sad
I feel it when I wake up
And it just stays bad
It hits me like a sickness
Or a steamroller
Makes me wanna lay down
And get run over

But then I see you, always smiling
Makes me wanna touch you, keep from dying

You're a brother to me
You're my partner in crime
You're the feeling I get
When I'm feeling fine
Part of me wants you
But most of me needs you
So I won't fall unless you ask me to"

She sets the guitar down, "That's all I've got so far."

Taylor hasn't said anything, she worries for a second. That she doesn't like it, or maybe that it's too soon to have anything written about her, but before she can open her mouth to speak again, she's nearly knocked off the bed with the force Taylor embraces her.

"Holy shit, Mikah, that's...I have no words, genuinely," She sounds like she might be tearing up a little.

"I'm glad you like it," Mikah smiles, melting into the hug.

"Of course I like it!! You're fucking incredible, you know that, right?" She pulls back and wipes her eyes, "I'm so emotional today, I don't know why."

"It could be a number of things, probably like hormones, though," Mikah murmurs, settling herself against the pillows, Taylor resting against her.

"Yeah, you're probably right, I did stop taking birth control a few weeks ago."

Mikah laughs, "Why?"

"I dunno, I just don't need it right now, I guess," Taylor shrugs. "I'll start again once tour kicks back up."

"Makes sense. I've got tampons and stuff under the bathroom sink if you need anything, by the way."

"God, I love women," Taylor chuckles. "Straight guys don't even have trash cans in their bathrooms."

"Dude, what the fuck, that's like bare minimum!"

"No, I know," Taylor exclaims, shaking her head. "My last boyfriend didn't even have Pepto in his house for the first two years of our relationship."

"Was his stomach made of steel or something?"

"Yeah, probably."

"Well, I have plenty of Pepto in like every cupboard, incase your tummy starts hurting," Mikah mutters into Taylor's hair, gently brushing it out of her face.

"My tummy always hurts," She pouts, looking up at Mikah. "Thank you, though."

"I know," She notices Taylor starting to drift off. "Let's head to bed, sleepy."


znek (kenziethebenzie)
does anybody know who this is? i noticed jack followed her recently but i've never heard of her before (photo from their instagram, @.mikaahaalbright

ARCHER ⭐️ (julyninths)girl idfk she's fine tho

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ARCHER ⭐️ (julyninths)
girl idfk she's fine tho

gab (giveyoullove)

lucy (screwtoprose)
probably a friend of jacks? wonder if she knows taylor


enjoy your peace while it lasts
not proofread
vote/comment/etc love all of you 💞

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