Nineteen / Karma Is The Girl

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Act Three / Chapter Nineteen

Act Three / Chapter Nineteen

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1.6k words
c/w brief talk of depression and eating disorders

November 10th, 2023

Meeting your girlfriends' father on an eleven hour flight sure isn't the preferred way to go about things, but it's what Mikah had to do.

"It's so good to finally meet you! I've heard so much about you!" was the first thing Scott said to her, firmly shaking her hand before ultimately pulling her into a hug. Tree just gave her a smile, she's not really one for physical contact.

"Told you he'd love you," Taylor whispered, kissing the top of Mikah's head as she leads her onto the jet.

"Is it really a good idea to leave a day before the show? Like wouldn't jetlag be an issue?"

"Jetlag is a choice!"

It takes about half an hour to get everything settled for the jet to take off, Tree sitting them down and giving them the "run down"—not too much PDA after the show, or on the plane, no hickeys, etc.

"You sound like my high school drama teacher," Mikah murmurs, "the PDA rules never applied to me and my girlfriend at the time, though, because y'know, homophobic early 2010s Idaho."

"2010s!? Stop, that makes me feel so old," Taylor groans, "I graduated in '07."

"I graduated in 2012, it was barely 2010s."

Mikah looks up to see Tree shaking her head, "you two should get some sleep, it's a long flight." Scott was already asleep in one of the chairs, totally oblivious to everything.

"Yeah, especially if jetlag is such a choice," Mikah teases, gently nipping at Taylor's jawbone.

"We'll never get sleep if you keep biting me," Taylor says under her breath.

"Save it for the hotel, please!" Tree sighs.


"Are you feeling okay?" Taylor murmurs, kissing Mikah's forehead. "I know it's been a long few weeks."

They'd been asleep for a few hours, before being jolted awake by some turbulence. They can't seem to get back to sleep now so they're just lying in the cramped bed together, making occasional conversation.

"Yeah, I'm okay," Mikah sighs, "I think the week of downtime was good for me."

Taylor nods, "have you eaten anything today?"

"Yeah. We ate breakfast together, remember?"

"Right, yeah, sorry. I just... I noticed you not really eating much and I panicked a little bit."

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