027. Who?

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2389 words

"That's bullshit." Cheong-san scoffs, "See you soon? Wouldn't it be better for us to go back to them instead?"

"I've never agreed so much with you," I sigh. "But it'll be worse if we leave now."

"So now you're switching sides."

"Well-" I stop mid sentence when I catch him smirking at me. "Ew. Why do you look like that?"

He doesn't stop smirking, "Why do I look how?" He chuckles, "Why do you look like that?"

"Why were-" I stop again, listening to a man telling me to relax through the speakers.

Maybe I got rabies from Hyeon-ju because now I'm very sure I'm hallucinating.

"You hear that too, right? It's not just me?" I ask, thankful my ears don't hurt. I feel bad for dogs and their sensitive ears.

"Yeah." He nods then tilts his head. "The meditation thing, right? I thought it was just me, too."

"Are they trying to hypnotize us?" I lean against the wall, patting the spot next to me. I mumble a quite, "Sit."

He sits, sighing. "I don't know. But knowing our classmates, maybe."

I literally lied to myself. It does hurt my ears a bit, but not nearly as much as earlier. We sit in silence with the meditation man as our background noise.

"-lives come from happy hearts."

The speakers beep and the speech still plays, but it sounds distant now. Like it's coming louder from the left of the school.

I have no idea what's going on, but it seems like a them problem to me.

The me problem is that weird stomachache coming back to me.



"You think Gyeong-su's doing okay right now?"

Due to being caught off guard by the random question, all I can say is, "What? What happened to him?"

Did Gyeong-su get injured? I hope he's okay.

Cheong-san frowns, "What do you mean?"

"He's in the broadcasting room with everyone else, no? I literally just saw him with everyone else."

Cheong-san's brows furrow, eyes glossing over. "That's not funny. How can you just joke about that?" He scolds, smacking my arm hard.

My ears heat up, and I can't help but feel like something's wrong. I swear I don't remember anything serious happening. "I'm being serious though. What's wrong?"

He stares, dumbfounded and mad. "Y/n, he turned. I don't know how, but he turned into a fucking zombie. One of those monsters."

"We are all beautiful."

My heart drops to my stomach. That's right, he's dead. I'm so stupid. How can I forgot something so traumatic just like that?

"Cheong-san, I'm so sorry. I guess I forgo-"

He shifts so we're sitting facing eachother. "Forget it." He sighs, but his eyes still shine with concern.

"Why would you bring that up anyway?" I mutter. And why couldn't I remember?

"Well, you know, you-"

"I got bitten? I know," I laugh dryly.

He shakes his head, "That's not what I was going to say. But we might aswell talk about it since we're on that topic."

Promise; Lee Su-hyeokWhere stories live. Discover now