Chapter Two

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Urg Peter. Why can't he just leave me alone? I can't help how I look but it's not like I'm hurting him. But that seems almost unimportant now. I'm just grateful I don't need another trip to the hospital. His other suggestive comments however.... I shudder with a mix of fear and disgust.

Micah was watching me on the bus today. The whole time. Not just like, he looked at me, but was watching the whole time. And I know this because I was looking at him every second I thought I could get away with it. Each time our eyes met, they would hold for a second and then at the same time we'd look away.
Lisabeth saw though. Oh well. I told her I thought he was cute but that she couldn't tell anyone.

"Who'd you think I'd tell?" She asked kind of amused. "You're my only friend remember?"
"Right, of course. Social butterfly." I joked. It seems stupid to me that someone like Lisabeth has only one friend. She just seems like the kind of person who should have a crowd of people following her. Perks of being my friend I guess.

I'm not trying to sound sorry for myself. I'm really not. I'm just trying to state the facts, as they are, no extra embellishment. I'm just not really liked by anyone besides Liss and my dad.

Anyway, back to the bus.

There isn't a bus that runs from anywhere close to my place to school in the mornings. However, there is a school bus that runs from school to a stop right outside Lisabeth's house. My house is like two hundred meters down the road. It turns out that the one and only Micah lives across the street from me. Like, directly across. It's kinda awesome. I don't like, like him. I just think he's pretty cool for not shunning me. It is especially surprising considering his social status. He hands with the sporty guys who as far as I can tell are actually pretty friendly. Well, to 'normal' people. So, anyone except me.

What really isn't awesome is that Ruby lives next door to him.

I was sitting in my usual seat with Liss, the front of the back of the bus, so we're up high and there are no seats in front of us. So we get this view of the whole bus. I get the window seat so it's easier for people to avoid me. Less awkward that way. Micah was standing in the no standing area at the back door with a few of his friends. I know who they are because our community is so small. Max and his twin brother Nate, Zach, and a tiny little blonde girl called Peta. Peta's a bit odd, for different reasons to me, but she's always been friendly so I don't judge her. There is nothing wrong with being odd.

I glanced at Micah between conversations with Lisabeth. I smiled at him, a thin tight lipped one, and looked away. I saw him mirror me out of the corner of my eye. I wondered what he was talking about.

"Hey Earth to Rhea! Rhea, what the hell? Wake up!"


Lisabeth sighed. "Were you even listening to anything I just said?"

"I listened to the part about Ruby having a bona-fide tantrum in English. Wish I'd seen it."

"Yeah, apparently she wanted to write her poem about a certain problematic person." Smirking Liss continued, "What are you gonna write yours on? you have the same task right?"

"Yeah, same task. I'm probs just gonna write some bullshit about society being evil towards people who are different. I.e, me." Lisabeth laughed, and I snuck another look at Micah. He was looking back at me. He held my gaze for a moment longer and looked down. I turned back to Lisabeth. She smirked at me.

"You are sooooo gone for Micah."

I punched her in the arm. "I soooo need a new friend."

We laughed the rest of the way home. I kept looking at Micah.

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