Chapter Ten

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Sometimes, people react in ways that are hard to understand. I never would have guessed that Sam's suicide would result in my own depression, or that Rhea's rape would lead to the undermining or the two most notorious kids in secondary school. So I understand, I admit vaguely, that my friends may not take kindly to the downfall of Peter. I even considered them saying that Rhea deserved what happened to her, because she's a freak. I had a whole speech, arguments, prepared to persuade them. I was prepared to call in every favor ever owed to me by them. 

So you can imagine how shocked I was when Max and Nate immediately supported me.

"He raped Oddball? Man, that's just wrong. Like, I know it's shit for Rhea, but Peter's fucked himself over too. What the hell was he thinking? And right outside Ruby's place too!" Exclaimed Max, running his fingers through his dark curly blonde hair. His twin brother Nate nodded in support.

"Poor Rhea." murmured Peta, ever sympathetic. "I don't see how revenge fixes anything though Micah. I know he bullied your brother, but this is different. Are you helping Rhea get revenge, or yourself?"

"What's it matter? She's the Oddball, we shouldn't be getting involved." Snapped Zach. "It's not our business. Peter is dangerous. And so is Ruby for that matter."

"Aw, you're no fun Zach! Live a little mate, can you imagine what it'd be like? Like a spy movie, y'know? I never woulda pegged you for a coward." teased Nate, grinning like a madman.

Zach puffed out his chest indignantly. "I'm not gonna let anyone believe I'm a coward mate, so watch your tongue. I'm thinking of the girls. I believe Rhea will be involved yes? I don't like the idea of dragging her and Peta into a bad situation. Girls aren't as capable in this sort of situation as us boys" He glanced nervously at Peta, who was glaring at him with a look of absolute venom.

"I swear to God if you use that mother fucking damsel in distress bullshit to cover up the fact that you are too scared to do shit all, I'm gonna knock you flat, you sexist son of a bitch." Spat Peta, fury etched into every line of her face.

Zach opened his mouth to reply, his face flushed with embarrassment and his own anger but I cut him off. "Whoa, guys chill. Peta, no one is going to stop you from coming along, but we're also not going to force anyone to do something they don't want  to do. You hear Zach? You don't have to do this. It's your choice."

"Ever the peacekeeper Micah." sighed Max. "Well, I'm sooo doing this. You're in too, right Nate?"

"Hell yeah. I've always wanted to bring down a higher power."

"What the fuck? Don't go all nerd on me bro."

"Shut up."

"Well, I'm in." snapped Peta, shooting a glance at Zach. "Don't go all protective on me Zach."

"What the hell, I'm not being left out if everyone's going. But please be careful Peta." pleaded Zach.

Peta's face softened into forgiveness. She stretched up onto her tiptoes and pecked Zach on his cheek. "Of course I will. Just don't try and tell me what to do."

"AHHH GET A ROOM YOU TWO OH MY GOD THAT'S SO GROSS!" screeched the twins before they collapsed in a fit of contagious laughter.

Finally, wiping tears from our eyes, we calmed down enough to be somewhat serious again. Well, so long as no one made eye contact at least. That's what I loved most about these guys; it didn't matter how horrid  the situation was, they could still make me laugh.

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