Chapter Four

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I watched her walk into her house from Ruby's window. Watched as she passed each window until she reached what I now knew after weeks of watching was her bedroom. I watched as she got changed out of her school uniform, unbuttoning her blouse and letting it slide onto the floor behind her. I watched hungrily as she pulled off her skirt, disappointed when she traded it for a pair of jeans. I watched her until she left her room and Ruby returned to me, dressed in nothing but a black and red push up bra and a thong. I rushed to her in a haze of hyped up hormones, kissing her face like I could swallow it whole. There was no telling what we would do.

But she was not the only girl I planned on having tonight.


I left Ruby's bedroom through the window at about one in the morning. Giving me a seductive smile, she sauntered up to me and placed a dark hand in my pale chest. "I'm yours now, your only one. But don't forget, you are mine too and I don't like sharing."Her voice was pitched low and sexy, driving me wild. I missed the warning note in her voice however. Answering blindly, I told her that of course there wouldn't be another girl while we were together. It wasn't until I'd slipped out of her window that I realised I may have made a mistake.

I crossed the street and crouched in her hedge and waited. Her dad had left for the month; she was the only one in her house. A real woman. The light appeared in the kitchen. It was her, in her kitchen at one in the morning. I frowned at the oddity but maybe she liked to eat at weird hours. She isn't exactly a normal person. The light went out a few moments later. This was my chance. I lumbered up to the wall of the house, not caring about the noise I made. As I marched up to the door I nervously looked over my shoulder. Ruby would be so pissed if she saw me now. As I reached for the doorknob, I heard a noise inside. It was her, coming down the hallway. I panicked and hastily stepped away from the door and into the shadow of the house. Out of sight. I couldn't have her catch me, I had to make a proper entrance.

The click of a lock gave me a 20 second warning before she stepped outside. She was fully dressed in a maroon hoodie and dark blue jeans, her dark hair spilling across her face. I felt my heart race at how close I was to her, the one who would become my greatest conquest. It wasn't that she was extraordinarily hot, or majorly popular. It was simply that Rhea was the untouchable Oddball. Because she was different. Because what I was planning on doing would destroy whatever she had managed to salvage from her broken family and trampled status. And it would bring her under my control at last. Ruby had controlled her for years with rumours and harsh remarks. I wanted her now, it was my turn now for sure.

But where was she going?...I followed her for two hours as she wandered aimlessly around town. It didn't seem like she was going anywhere, there was no sense of purpose, her head held low, lost in thought. This was good for me, it meant she wasn't meeting anyone. But it did mean that she could be out all night. I had no real plan, only a purpose. I knew where I wanted her and it wasn't at the shipyard. With still no sign of Rhea returning home, I lumbered up behind her and clamped one of my hands over her mouth. "Don't scream." I whispered harshly to her. "Don't make any noise at all."

I wrapped the fingers of my free hand around her neck, cutting off her air supply. She struggled but stayed silent, eventually going limp. Pulling her into a fireman's lift, I hurried away. She would only be unconscious for a few minutes, I'd made sure of that. I wanted her conscious. It didn't take long to reach the place I'd had in mind but Rhea was already conscious again. I felt the tension return to her body. Thankfully she stayed silent. I think she was in shock. I decided I didn't care. Lifting her off my shoulder, she looked at me with those freaky green eyes. She knew what I was gonna do. She didn't run, she didn't scream. She looked defeated, like there was nothing left for her anyway. I pressed her against the fence, heard her gasp in pain as it dug into her back. I ran my fingers up and down her body, through an under her clothes. And then slowly, slowly, a wicked smile on my face, I undid the button on her jeans.




At first I didn't fight him. What was the point? Dad was gone, Lisabeth was dying. I had no one left, nothing left to fight for. And let's be real, is known this was coming. But when he undid my button it was like I woke up. I didn't want this. I wouldn't scream, I wouldn't beg. But no way was I going willingly. At least, that's what I told myself. He pushed me hard against the fence and I felt my skin break. Hot blood wept from my back. Gasping in pain, I tried to push him off me, tried to get away. He laughed and pulled my hoodie over my head. I punched him in the nose and almost smiled at the satisfying crunch it made. Almost. His grey blue eyes were alight with anger, fury and... Excitement? Dread filled me.  I couldn't stop him, he was gonna get me, add me to his long list of rape victims. And I couldn't stop him.

He tore my shirt to tatters, snapped the band on my bra. My jeans were around my ankles. And I couldn't stop him. Pain flared up in places I didn't even know existed in my body as he screwed me over and over again. I tried to scream but my voice wasn't working. I moaned in fear and pain. He shoved his tongue down my throat making me gag. Bile rose in my throat. I bit down on his tongue an tasted blood. Be slapped me. He beat me and raped me again. There was nothing I could do. I tipped my head back and finally screamed."Son of a bitch!" Yelped Peter as he slapped his hand over my mouth. But I was not having it. With my last bit of strength, i kicked him in the balls. Hard too. The fury in his eyes was terrifying but there was something else there too. Was that fear? Before I could react, Peter grabbed my around my naked waist and threw me over the fence. Grabbing his shorts, he ran away.

Any energy I might have salvaged left me. I was sore, I was exhausted. I didn't bother reaching for my clothes. I hugged my naked body close and cried myself to sleep. He took something from me, something I hadn't thought was of any value. He took it and I could never get it back. My internal pain turned to rage. I Hated Peter, more than anyone I had ever thought I could. More than Ruby, more than my mother. The tears didn't stop and I didn't care. I was going to kill him, slit his belly and watch him writhe in agony, or stab his lung and watch him drown in his own blood. These thoughts and tears stayed with me as sleep claimed me at last.


I woke when the sun did, bathing my battered body. Blinking sleep from my eyes, I tried to push thoughts and memories away from the front of my mind. I would sort through them later. First of all I needed to find my clothes. I needed to get home. I needed to hide away from everything from the safety of my bedroom. I needed escape. And by god, I needed a drink.

My maroon hoodie was all I could find of my clothes. I frowned. What the hell? Shaking my head I pulled my hoodie over my head and pulled it down do it covered everything to my mid thigh. I looked around, trying to figure out where I was. Glancing across the street, something familiar caught my eye. I froze. Staring across the street in shock, I began to piece together my location. Because there, directly across the street, was my house. And there, a few meters to my left, was Ruby's house. And that meant that I knew exactly where I was.

I stared in horror at the dark blood that coated the top of the fence. The fence I had been raped on. I knew whose fence that was, whose yard I now stood in.

This was Micah's house.

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