Chapter Six

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We needed a plan. Or well, an idea. It was one thing to decide we were going to do something about Peter. It turned out it was definitely another to decide what to do. I mean, seriously, it shouldn't have been hard but...

"We should get group of big guys and attack him, have a big punch up sorta thing."

"We can't do that, all those 'big guys' are in his pocket. You know that, they helped Peter attacked your broth- nevermind. We need to do something that will bring him down in a different way. Destroy his status, isolate him from his 'friends'."

"Oh and that seems sooo much easier. Make his friends hate him so he attacks them like Sam? You want more dead people on your hands?"

"But they wouldn't because he would have no one to back him up."

"He didn't need back up when he came after you though. Who says he can't do it on his own?"

"Because he definitely needed help raping me. Right. You know, I don't have to be here."

"You want to fix this? So do I. Who else is gonna help you?"

"Maybe I don't need help!"

"Who's the one with the, and I quote 'network of friends'? How the hell- Oh, hey mum."

Micah's mother stood in the door of his room, his younger brother koala-hugging her hip and sucking his thumb. His eyes were large and innocent, he couldn't have been more than eight. His mother was a small, dark woman, an older, feminine version of Micah.

"I heard voices." SHe raised an eyebrow at me. "Hello Rhea." She shot a look at Micah, clearly stating that she was not happy with my being here. "I have to go out, buy food. Watch Toby for me okay? He hasn't eaten yet." Her voice softened with worry at the mention of her youngest son.

"Of course, that would be great." I attempted a smile, I needed her to trust me. I glanced at Micah. He was looking at his mum, face set and hard. Looking back, I saw his mum hesitate before handing Toby to me. "I'm Helena." She said to me. "I'll be back in two hours."

I nodded and adjusted Toby on my hip. He was adorable, yet so so skinny. His eyes had to be too big for his face. "When was the last time he ate?" I asked Micah. Helena had left I noticed.

"Not since Sam."

"Is Sam here?" Toby asked, his baby voice breaking my heart in three words. It wasn't his fault, he didn't understand. I sat him down on Micah's bead and crouched down so I was at eye level with him.

"Sam wasn't feeling well, so he went away. But you'll see him again, but you have to be big and strong. Which means you need to eat young man." He ate up my words and giggled at my last statement. "People say, when kids like Sam go away, they don't really leave. But not everyone can see them. But he can still hear you, and it gets very lonely being on your own. Maybe you should talk to him. But first, lunch."

Toby nodded obediently and headed downstairs. I looked at Micah, who was staring at me in amazement. "How did you do that?"

I shrugged. "He needed an explanation, he didn't understand what was going on. Obviously I couldn't say it bluntly, I imagine that he doesn't understand what being dead means. So, I gave him something he could use to comfort him; Sam's still here, but he's invisible. My dad said something similar when my mum disappeared with my sisters when I was five."


"What? Come on, I got your brother to consent to the idea of food. Is that worth nothing? We'd better catch up to him or he might change his mind."

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