Chapter Twenty

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Valerie walked to the spare bedroom in the Château. JJ followed her in shortly after. "Is Kie okay?" She asked, sitting on the bed. "Pope's talking to her. John B is still out on the porch." JJ responded, closing the door behind him. "He has to choose Kie. I know I'm friends with Sarah, but we can't do this without her." Valerie sighed, looking at her hands. "I know." JJ nodded, sitting next to her. "Hey, when do you want to tell the others? About this, I mean." JJ gestured between the two.

"When the time is right. I don't want them to immediately jump on the teasing, 'cause I know it's coming. I just want some time for us right now." Valerie smiled at him. JJ smiled back, tucking some of Valerie's loose stands of hair behind her ear. "I want some time for us too." JJ smiled at the girl, pressing his lips to hers. Valerie smiled into the kiss. JJ deepened the kiss, starting to crawl on top of Valerie. Valerie leaned back, her back flat on the bed. JJ and Valerie's lips parted open as JJ gently pressed his body to hers. JJ smirked at the girl, moving his lips to her neck. "Jayj." Valerie breathed, her breath hot. "John B is going to come inside." Valerie whispered. JJ pulled away, nodding, a smile on his face. "Let's go out to the kitchen. Pope should be back soon anyways." JJ said. Valerie nodded, standing up after JJ. JJ kissed the girl's lips one last time before they walked out of the room.

John B walked into the Château seconds later. "Pope's on his way back. I saw him." John B told the two. Valerie nodded while JJ gave him a thumbs up. "What'd she say?" John B asked Pope when he entered. "That you're an idiot." Pope responded. The four pogues were in the kitchen. Valerie leaned on the counter. John B sat on the counter drinking a beer. JJ walked to the fridge, opening it. "It's a no-brainer, you're picking Kie." JJ told him. "Mm-mm. Look, I can't make a decision." John B told them. JJ walked backwards, standing next to Valerie. "So what? We're just dead in the water because you're pussy-whipped? We can't do this without Kie, and you know it." JJ threw the beer cap into the sink before taking a sip of his drink.

"And I can't do this without Sarah. Okay? They both have to be in on it." John B said. "Well, good luck with that." Pope shrugged, walking to the fridge. "You know what? I know this was my fault, alright? But it's our problem. I've got a plan, and you three shitheads are gonna help me out." John B walked across the room, looking at each of them. "Okay, but I don't appreciate being called a shithead." Valerie stated. "So, you're plan?" JJ asked. "We need Kiara and Sarah to stay in Heyward's boat overnight. I'll worry about getting Sarah, and Pope will get Kiara. JJ and Valerie, you'll stay in the boat. Sarah won't need to see you, so you might have to hide yourselves a little, got it?" John B asked them. All the pogues nodded. The pogues stayed up the rest of the night, trying to make sure John B's plan didn't have any flaws in it. They only had one mission, get Sarah and Kiara in the boat while the four pogues leave.

It was now the next day. Valerie was in her dark green bathing suit. She didn't have a cover up knowing she had to jump in the water to get off the boat. JJ and Valerie were crouched down, trying to stay hidden, while John B and Sarah were talking. "You think it's going to work?" JJ turned to his girlfriend. "Maybe. Just hope Sarah can stay quiet long enough when Kiara gets on." Valerie whispered. JJ nodded, moving his hand on her knee. The two looked at each other and began to lean in, slowly. "Hey, Sarah is taken care of. Pope's almost here with Kiara." John B said. Valerie and JJ quickly pulled apart. "Alright." JJ nodded, standing up. Valerie stood up aswell. Valerie stood with her arms crossed while John B and JJ leaned down looking at the alternator.

"What happened?" Kiara asked, stepping in view. "Uh, the alternator's, uh, not alternating anymore." JJ answered. "It's not charged." Valerie said, looking up at Kiara. "Did you check the plugs?" Kiara asked them, stepping inside. "No, no. You should check them." JJ said, standing up. John B stood up next. "Yeah." John B nodded. "Give it a whirl." JJ handed Kiara the tools. "You guys are useless. You two, Valerie." Kiara said, kneeling down. "Sorry about that." JJ said following after John B and Valerie who had left. "Come on, come on!" John B whispered.

"Uh... is this a joke?" Kiara shouted from inside the alp. "Go, go, go." JJ shouted. John B dived into the water. JJ grabbed Valerie's hand as they jumped in together. "Sayonara!" JJ shouted. The three pogues resurfaced and started to swim to the boat Pope was still on. "Guys!" Kiara angrily shouted. "Wasn't my idea, sorry, Kie!" Valerie shouted, holding onto the edge of the boat. "Are you serious?" Sarah shouted, running over to where Kiara was. "Get your asses back here! Valerie, please!" Kiara shouted. JJ, John B, and Valerie climbed back into the boat. JJ laughed, grabbing Valerie's waist and pulling her into him. "We can't. Not until you two figure it out!" John B shouted.

"I will kill every single one of you!" Kiara angrily shouted. "Y-You can't just leave!" Sarah shouted. "There's food in the cabinet and JJ rolled a blunt!" Pope shouted at them with a thumbs up. "Hydroponic!" JJ added. Sarah started to undress, leaving her in her bathing suit. Pope started to drive away. Valerie sat down on the bow. "Wait! Wait!" Sarah shouted, jumping in the water. "Godspeed!" Pope shouted, letting JJ take his spot. Valerie leaned back on the bow, with her arms behind her. "John B, you asshole!" Valerie heard Sarah shout, causing her to laugh with Pope.

"Love you guys, Bye!" JJ and John B shouted. JJ whooped, getting further away from the boat Kiara and Sarah would be spending the night on. "I guess we can all stay at the Château tonight. Get them in the morning." John B suggested. Pope nodded, agreeing with him. Valerie looked at JJ to see him staring at her. Valerie raised her eyebrows at him. JJ chuckled, looking away fast. The pogues got back to the Château. JJ jumped off, tying the boat. Pope and John B were already walking down the deck and heading inside. JJ turned to Valerie. "You think John B's plan going to work?" She asked him. "I mean, they're still on the boat." JJ shrugged, grabbing her hand and helping her off the boat. "Hopefully Kiara isn't so stubborn." Valerie laughed. The two walked back to the Château.

"Hey, we were just going to hang out on the porch." John B said once the couple walked inside. "Alright. I'm going to change really quick." Valerie smiled at them leaving the boys on the porch. "Yo, is there something going on between you and Valerie?" John B asked JJ, handing him a beer. "No, why?" JJ lied, sitting down on the couch. Pope and John B shared a look. "You guys have been closer recently. Staying back and talking. A lot." John B raised his eyebrows at the blonde haired boy.

"Nothing is going on, John B. We're friends, alright?" JJ sighed. Valerie eventually walked back out and sat next to JJ. The pogues talked and laughed together. It was now midnight. "Do you think Kiara and Sarah sorted their shit out?" Valerie asked. "Hopefully. We need both of them in on this. We're really close to finding the gold." John B responded. Valerie nodded. "We'll get them early tomorrow. At night, we'll head back to the Crain house and get the gold. We got supplies earlier." John B added. "Sounds like a plan." JJ nodded. After another hour, the pogues headed inside, going off to bed. Pope had gone into the spare room. JJ and Valerie shared the pull out couch. The last time JJ and Valerie shared the pull out couch, they had no idea about the others feelings. Valerie faced the wall with JJ behind her. She felt JJ shuffle on the bed. Before she knew it, she felt a strong arm wrap around her torso, pulling her into him. Valerie's back was pressed against JJ's chest. He nestled his head into her neck. She felt his hot breath on the side of her neck. Eventually, the two drifted off to sleep.

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