~{A Deal With A Demon}~

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The Armageddon Clock continues to countdown to morning. "This thing is going to turn all of us to dust. Well, all of you to dust 'cause I'm not dying" DeStorm states.

Our heroes solved the mystery of the Pharaoh's murder..."I loved my husband" the Pharaoh's wife said...and take control of the Mummy. "The first one in the final challenge is The Adventurer. Second group, Tana" Mortimer said after drawing the cards. They claimed the first key, but not without cost. [JUSTINE'S DEATH].

"Tana!" everyone exclaimed "That's right! All of y'all underestimated me" Tana said. The next exhibit is opened and a new evil is unleashed. [BIRD SHRIEKING]

A Birdman comes flying down while a woman is hanging onto him, they both in the Museum and the woman lets go of the man. Then the woman starts to talk "Why have we left the others?" now she turns to the Birdman "My brothers will not be happy about this!" the woman said then the birdman pulls out blades saying "Very, unhappy, Princess!" to the Princess, then slicing her neck killing her. The Birdman then takes off his bird mask holding the giant jewel the Princess was once wearing.

Then Collector shows up picking up a coin from the Birdman's gold, causing him to turn around and pointing his staff at the Collector. "Put it back!" the Birdman demands the Collector "But you have so many!" The Collector says to the Birdman. He replies back with "And I know them all" that causes the Collector to roll her eyes and drop the coin back, after she puts the coin they both look at the jewel the Birdman is holding. He looks back up "Payment has doubled. There were complications" he tells the Collector "Always are" the Collector says to him dumping a bag of coins to add to the Birdman's collection. Then the Birdman hands the Collector the big red jewel he had, after the Collector has the jewel she tells the Birdman "Someday, a demon will come looking for your corrupted soul and drag it down to hell! Garuda!" and they exchange one final look.
"Don't touch my door! Give it back, or I'll tear you to pieces!" this Birdman yells at Alex and grabs his neck, "ALEX!" I screamed. My eyes start to glow as I'm about to send a pulse so Birdman can let Alex go but he lets Alex go and I send a pulse(meaning a magic push) towards the Birdman but it missed him. So I run over and close the door and look at Alex and he just says "What was that?" and I'm concerned like is he hurt, like what. Then Joey says to Alex "Why would you open that door, you idiot!" I give Joey a look telling him to knock it off which he does quickly. Everyone then asks Alex what did the guy say.

~{DESTORM: The weird-ass looking bird wants the coin. We ain't giving up the coin}~

Then Joey finds a note outside and he grabs it reading to the group "Garuda traded his soul for gold. And you soon will do the same. Gather as many coins as you can. Because the two with fewest coins at the end will be forced into the final challenge" Joey looks up at everyone after reading and everyone including me has a look of shock written on our faces.

~{TANA: I think all of us YouTubers are pretty familiar with the idea of trading your soul for gold, if you know what I mean}~

~{ROSANNA: This is kind of like, an Easter egg hunt, which Emma and I are pretty good at}~

Then everyone starts running everywhere it find coins until we hear a bird sound and we follow it until we see this elephant statue with a note. "Indian exhibit" I read and apparently the exhibit is out front so we walk through the doors and see this really pretty area with chests filled with jewelry and others.

~{GABBIE: We walk outside and there's jewels everywhere. And I think "Now, this is a challenge I can win"}~

Then we see the Birdman or Garuda that attacked Alex looking around for something, because I'm one of the ones that can protect everyone I get in front of everybody to hear Garuda say "Where is it? You've stolen my gold! I'll kill them! Where is it?". I guide everyone to hide behind the trees and bushes and the Garuda guy is really pissed "Why is it angry? What is is looking for?" Alex asks I turn to him "Probably his gold" I said and turn back. Some people in the group thinks it's the coin we have but then Garuda walks away which gives us time to look through his stuff to find coins. We can't find anything until Joey finds a scroll  so everyone gathers around while Colleen grabs the scroll from Joey "The water of Garuda are tainted with the blood of this victims. You must find a way to cleanse it by connecting the water to a source of pure light" Colleen read. So we know the water the scroll was talking about was the fountain now we need find the light, as we were looking Alex spots a lamp saying that it's the only light so maybe that's the light that cleanses the water now how do we connect it.

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