𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝟣 ☆

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"Tsukasa, hurry up, you'll be late to the audition!" Saki called from downstairs

"I know! I'm Coming!" Tsukasa yelled back as he scrambled around his room for his sheet music and tryout form.

Today was the day of the piano auditions for the town's annual music festival, and for years now, Tsukasa's been wanting to perform in it, and now that he's 17, he's finally old enough to try out. Well, it wasn't technically the official tryouts yet, this was just a pre-audition to see who has potential, and then they continue running more practices and such afterward, cutting people out until they get down to their final pianist, the one who preforms for the festival.

Every year, the Music Festival was held for three days in late summer, and there would be parties and fireworks and obviously, music. Many townsfolk would participate in preforming for the festival, but only a select few got to do it for the sunrise on the day after the celebration, announcing the arrival of the new autumn season, the start of the new school year and crop harvests. It would be an honor to be able to perform in it.

Tsukasa sighed in relief when he finally found his sheet music and audition information, before folding it up and stuffing it in his coat pocket as he dashed downstairs. Quickly, he grabbed his boots and began lacing them as Saki skipped into the entryway.

"Good luck today, I'm sure you'll make it" She smiled as she leaned against the wall, taking a sip of some juice she had poured herself

"Thanks, I might need it"

"Who knows, I mean, you are the best pianist I know" the younger girl assured and the older boy smiled up at her as he finished lacing his boots.

"Thanks, Saki," he said as he stood up and gave her a quick side hug "I'll be back later this afternoon, be safe"

"You too! Bye!" the girl calls as Tsukasa ran out the front door and down the street, calling for a cab. It doesn't take him long to find a taxi, and he paid the driver before hopping in the back seat. The driver was a nice man, Mr. KAITO Shion, and he had quite a musical talent of his own.

"Morning Mr. Tenma, where're you off to?" the older man asks as he starts the car.

"The theatre, I'm going to the auditions" The blonde beamed as they drove down the bumpy road.

"Ah, I should've guessed" Mr. Shion chuckled "This is your first one, right? You're finally 17 now?"

"Yeah, and I'm really excited!"

"As you should be" They go over a bump in the road and both jostle around a little in their seats "You know, I've been in a couple of those performances, it really is quite a fun experience"

"It sure sounds like it" Tsukasa smiles as he holds onto his hat so it doesn't fly off in the wind "Don't they have a new director this year though?"

"Oh, you could say that, he's your age and the directors assistant and will be taking over next year, you might know him actually"

"What's his name?"

"Umm..." the older man thinks for a moment before snapping his fingers "Rui Kamishiro"

"Rui..." The blonde mumbled, racking his brain for a memory of the name, but to no avail "Does he homeschool?"

"I think so, but it's a small town, so I bet you've seen him around, he's hard to miss"

"Ah, then maybe I do" he shrugged.

The two of them continued talking until they pulled up to the theatre, where KAITO drops Tsukasa off and wishes him good luck as he walks in. In Tsukasa's opinion, the theatre was the most magical and amazing place in the world, and he got goosebumps of excitement just from walking through the doors.

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