𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝟦 ☆

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A few days have passed since Tsukasa's successful first audition, and today he'd be going to the music studio for practices with the piano director for the festival. He was excited to say at the very least, considering he'd be practicing with the same lessons as the best pianists in the whole town, so he'd definitely have quite the challenge keeping up, depending on how the lessons go.

The place he'd be practicing at is in the middle of town, known as the 'Bard's Burrow'. It was a bit of a unique name, sure, and most people didn't like it, but he personally thought it made the place sound cozy.

Rui and Tsukasa have decided to keep in touch after getting along so well after their first proper meeting, and they had been meeting up at the theatre after Tsukasa's school was out, since Rui was homeschooled. During their meetups, he would help Tenma practice a little and judge his piano skills so he would be able to tune up properly by the first practice; today.

Not only had he helped the blonde with his playing, but he had also told him a bit about what happens if you're accepted into the festivals' orchestra. According to Rui, you can get most anything at the Fest for free, because you're a quote unquote staff member, or at least that's what he said. Everyone gets their own costume, which they'll be able to keep afterwards because of how specifically they're tailored.

Tsukasa thought it was pretty cool, how many privileges and cool things he would get out of it if he got accepted. His only problem now is that there is only one pianist for the orchestra, so if he wanted to be the one, he'd have to play better than the other 14 contestants who made it through the first cut alongside him. There was a lot of stress to be able to preform for the festival, but he thought it'd all be worth everything in the end.

It didn't take long for him to get to the Burrow, and soon enough he was walking inside, waving to a few of his fellow contenders who had already finished their practices, as well as chatting with a few others.

The conversations were a bit boring, considering everyone else was much older than Tsukasa, and were talking about politics and taxes rather than anything remotely interesting, so he gradually leaned away from each person until he could make his way to the corner of the room, waiting for his practice to actually start.

As he was lost in thought, pondering about how practice was going to go, he didn't notice someone walk up beside him until they placed a warm hand on his shoulder, making him jump and give out a small yelp of surprise, making a few heads turn his way.

"Oh sorry, did I scare you?" Rui chuckled as he patted Tsukasa's shoulder "I thought you heard me"

"My God Rui, you gave me a heart attack" The blonde laugh awkwardly, putting a hand over his chest to soothe his racing heart.

"Apologies, Tsukasa" The purple-haired boy smiled "Anywho, are you excited for practice?"

Tenma nodded and leaned against the wall, Rui removed his warm hand from his shoulder.

"Very! I'll be honest, I had a hard time sleeping last night because of the anticipation"

Rui nods and his smile widens a little.

"That's good I suppose, I'm glad to see it's something you look forward to"

"Oh absolutely! This is all so exciting! I'm really ecstatic about all this" Tsukasa grinned, making small gestures of excitement with his hands "But actually, I have a question"

"Ask away" the taller boy spoke

"How many practices do we have between each tryout round? There's only a month and a half before the festival, which isn't a lot of time"

Rui nodded a little as he thought for a moment.

"You've got three rounds, there's 15 pianists, so that means 5 of you will be eliminated at a time, during the final round that's when we select the final musician. If I remember right, you have a week and a half between each round since you also need time to practice the festivals song and get a costume tailored in time." He explained and Tsukasa hummed a little.

"So not a lot of time..." he mumbled glanced down at the floor in thought as he gently bit one of his knuckles.

"Don't worry, I'm sure with your skill you'll do just fine" Rui tried to assure him, gently grabbing Tsukasa's wrist and pulling his hand away from his mouth so he'd stop absentmindedly biting himself, making Tsukasa's face flush a little when he realized what he was doing.

"R-right, yeah" the blonde nodded a little as he tried to brush off the feeling of Rui's hand against his wrist. "Anyways, practice is starting soon, I should go get warmed up"

"Aww, alright, have fun then, I'll miss you" Rui chuckled in a playfully flirty tone, wishing Tsukasa good luck before slipping off to go discuss something with another one of Tsukasa's fellow pianists.

The blonde took a deep breath to assure himself before entering the practice room. There was a piano in the middle of it, as well as some sheet music on the music stand. In the far corner there was a room and a small desk and a clip board.

'Well'  Tsukasa thought to himself as he took a seat in front of the piano, his new teacher walking into the room a moment later 'Here it goes'


Also I'm sorry if this chapter didn't make to much sense, I have a plan, don't worry :))


Fuck that plan I rewrote the chapter because it really didn't make sense

Update 2:

Fuck update 1 I rewrote the chapter AGAIN cause it still didn't make sense. Solo practices because group practices don't make any fucking sense

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