𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝟧 ☆

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Just as promised, the first official practice ended an hour and a half later. Turns out the music teacher was Mr. Yamashito, a family friend of the Tenma's who used to help Tsukasa with music lessons when he was much younger, so it was a little more comforting to practice with a familiar face.

A good handful of the contenders stood outside the building, some smoking, others looking for car keys or chatting with friends, a few just arriving for their practices. It was a nice day out; high noon and the weather was pleasantly warm, Tsukasa was absolutely relieved about how it's been cooling down recently, summer heat is unbearable in his opinion.

As he was about to start walking to the sidewalk to find a cab, he heard someone call his name, and he pivoted around on his heel to face the direction of the voice.

"Tsukasa! Tsukasa wait!" Rui called as he jogged out of the building, shoving a handful of papers in a leather satchel. 

"Yes?" Tsukasa hummed as he stopped walking, letting the other boy catch up.

"Uh, would you like a ride home? I noticed you got here in a cab earlier, I was wondering if you would like me to drop you off... u-unless you have plans?" He offered, he sounded a bit awkward, and a subtle light pink color dusted across his otherwise pale cheeks, but Tsukasa guessed his face was just red from running to catching up to him.

Tenma smiled at Rui and nod appreciatively.

"If that's not to much trouble for you, I'd love that"

"Wonderful, come on, I'm parked down the street" he grins, gesturing for the blonde to follow him.

They walk down the sidewalk, side by side, and Rui would proceed to ask Tenma questions about practice and what it was like. Tsukasa would answer him honestly, with as much enthusiasm as Rui gave him.

Rui and Tsukasa hadn't known each other for very long, but he was certainly starting to grow on him. Also, the blonde found out his eyes didn't just have that spark because of the lighting in the theatre, no, he could see it even more when they were outside. His eyes were really pretty, Tsukasa wasn't afraid to admit that. They reminded him of Citrine or Gold.

When they got to Rui's car, Tsukasa's eyes widened. His car looked so new? Nothing like what any teenagers Tsukasa knew would have, which were the hand-me-downs and old ones from parents and family friends.

"Th-this is your car?" He gasped, not believing it, even when Rui took out his keys and unlocked the door by sticking it in the lock and turning it. He smiled up at the stunned blonde.

"Yeah, my parents are in the automotive industry, and because of it, I was able to get a really good discount on this" He explains as he opens the car, leaning across the drivers seat to unlock the door for Tsukasa.

'Jeez, he's so lucky, I'm so jealous, I'd kill for a car like this, hell, I'd do anything just to actually have one'

Tenma thought to himself as he climbed into the passengers seat. The interior was just as nice as the exterior, with fine leather seats and shiny nobs to control the radio.

"Wow, this is really cool" He mumbled as he clicked his seatbelt on.

"I know right, I sure got lucky" Rui chuckles as he does his own seatbelt and starts the car, the engine roaring to life with a sputter and a groan "I'm taking you home, right? Just wanna make sure"

"Oh, yeah, the address is 1388 Lillianne" He replies as Kamishiro slowly pulls out of the parking spot.

"Oh, you're in that side of town? Fufu~ what a coincidence, me too"

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