𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝟪 ☆

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AN: I can't remember if I said this before but the music teacher is Mr. Yamashito

A few days passed, meaning it was time for Tsukasa's next music practice. He made his way downtown and back to the Bard's Burrow, which was quite lively from the lunchtime rush. Inside, there was the familiar smell of tobacco, alcohol and hot food. A live band played in the back of the building, a drummer and a guy playing an acoustic guitar, both of them singing harmoniously. A handful of the guys at the bar greeted Tsukasa as he made his way to the rooms in the back, where, just as last time, Rui stood, leaning against the wall.

"Afternoon" He smiled, crossing his arms "Ready for practice?"

"I guess" the blonde shrugged, his own smile crossing his face as he stood across from Rui "Had a slow start this morning, I'm still waking up"

"It's two in the afternoon"

"And?" Tsukasa chuckled as the taller boy shook his head and rolled his eyes.

"So irresponsible, fufu~" he teased and Tsukasa scoffed playfully.

"Every star needs their beauty sleep"

"Oh, that's right" Rui smirked, bowing down a bit "Please accept my humble apology, my fair lady"

"Oh shut up" Tenma snickered, reaching out and playfully punching his friend's shoulder, making the other boy grin slyly.

"Tsukasa, come get in and set up—" a familiar old voice called as the door to the practice room swung open. It was Mr. Yamashito, who glanced between the two boys and smiled a little. "I hope I'm not interrupting something?"

"Oh, no, sorry sir" Tsukasa shook his head, putting his hands up innocently "Just messing around"

"Ah, I see" the older man replied, still smiling, his rectangular glasses catching the light of the chandeliers above "We need to start soon though, we don't have all day"

"Right, here I come" He nodded, giving Rui a teasing flick on the forehead before slipping into the practice room with Mr. Yamashito, shutting the door behind him as Rui let out a whine and slapped a palm over the faint red mark on his forehead, saying something about how he'd get payback before the door was shut and his voice could no longer be heard between the two rooms.

"Oh, you young lads, so full of energy" his teacher chuckled and shook his head as Tsukasa sat down in front of the piano "Go ahead and warm up, I'll get started once you're ready, don't take too long"

The blonde nodded, flexing and stretching his fingers a bit before playing an easy song to warm up with, focusing on the pressure he added to each white and black glossy key and the melodic sound each one made.

The lesson flew by, like it always did, and soon enough Tsukasa was folding up his new sheet music and stuffing it into his coat pocket.

"Thanks for today, Mr. Yamashito" he said as he pushed the pianos stool in.

"No problem kiddo, happy to teach" the other man said as he sorted out a folder of some paper work "Be sure to keep up on practicing at home, let's try to get that fast part down by the next time you're here, alright?"

"Sounds good, I'll be sure to stay on it" Tsukasa grinned as he grabbed walked towards the door and opened it, giving a small wave to his teacher, who waved back as the younger boy left.

There were more people in the Burrow now, since it was a bit later in the day; just about 3'O clock, and the band from earlier was still preforming. The blonde decided to not spend time talking to any of the mid-afternoon drunkards, instead his quietly slipping out of the building, however, right as he pushed the exit door open, Rui jumped out from behind the corner.

"Boo!" He yelped, making Tsukasa let out a yelp of surprise and trip forward, closing his eyes and ready to hit the ground before Rui caught him by the arm, giggling. "Hehe~"

"Wh- R-Rui?!" The shorter boy squeaked as Kamishiro pulled him back onto his feet "what the hell!"

"Payback~" he snickered mischievously as Tsukasa groaned and covered his face with his hands.

"You suck"

"I know~" The other boy grinned as he pulled one of the blondes hands away from his face and pulled him to his car. "C'mon, I'll take you home, princess"

Tenma let out an annoyed groan but reluctantly followed, getting in the car after Rui. Despite his annoyance, he eventually started talking again, yapping to Rui about what happened during his practice and what not.

The two ended up taking a detour, picking up some sandwiches and having a tailgate picnic at the park.

They spent the next hour and a half together before Tsukasa eventually ended up back home, Rui ruffling his hair as Tsukasa got out of the car.

"H-hey! What was that for!" The blonde groaned, trying to fix his hair as Rui winked playfully.

"Just messing with you, see you soon" he giggled, driving off before the shorter boy could argue. Tsukasa watched as his friend drove away, and he could feel his face warming because of the lingering touch of Rui's hand on the top of his head.

"Damn idiot..." he huffed, trying to ignore the butterflies in his stomach as he walked up to his front door, grabbing a package before walking in.

"I'm home!"


Short chapter but new content yippie!!

It's 12:30 in the morning!!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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