𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝟥 ☆

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After an unreasonably long time of waiting and worrying, the door of the waiting room swung open, and Rui walked in, holding a sheet of paper. The room went dead silent as the boy removed the tryout order sheet and replaced it with the new paper, before he slipped out of the room quietly.

Once the boy had disappeared behind the door, everyone shot up, yelling and pushing one another to read the page. Tsukasa waited in anticipation as people gathered around the door, some groaning or tearing up, others cheering in celebration. After the group spread out, some leaving the room while others gathered their things, he got up, taking a deep breath, and praying to the stars that he'd see his name, written out in fancy typewriting font on the page.

Tsukasa clutched onto his hat tightly as he read the page carefully, a wave of panic washing over him when he didn't see his name yet. His eyes skimmed over the rest of the page and stopped when it got to the bottom of the page, where there was his name, Tsukasa Tenma, typed in perfect, swoopy letters and jet black ink. His breath caught in his throat as he read his name, over and over and over again. He had done it. He made the first cut and would be moving on to the practices until the next audition.

He bounced up and down excitedly as tears of excitement pricked his eyes. Rushing back to my seat, he grabbed his sheet music and stared at it, absolutely thrilled.

After a moment, of celebrating and regaining his composure, Tsukasa gathered his things and made his way out of the room, walking down the staff hallway excitedly. There was a bit of a bounce as he walked, still excited and unable to believe he had actually made it. Tenma pushed the doors open happily and smiled when he saw Rui and Nene who were chatting in the entrance room.

Rui noticed the blonde first and waved him over with a grin on his face.

"Tenma!" he called as Tsukasa skipped over.

"Hey Tsukasa" Nene waved "Congratulations"

"Thank you!" He beamed as he wrapped the girl in a tight hug, sighing when she hugs back.

"You did excellent! It was incredible!" Rui beamed as he patted his shoulder "Great work, Tenma"

The blonde pulled away from Nene and smiled at him.

"Thank you, I really appreciate it!" He grinned "And please, call me Tsukasa, we're the same age, no need to be so formal"

"Alright Tsukasa" he nods, sending me a wink "Great job"

"Why don't you come to lunch with us? Emu will be there too and it'll be fun to celebrate" Nene offers.

"Sure, that sounds fun" Tsukasa nods "And Emu's your girlfriend, right?"


"Right, I just haven't met her yet, but I'm excited to!"

Nene and Rui nod and smile as they gesture for Tsukasa to follow them as they begin walking away, and he followed them eagerly. Lunch sounded fantastic, considering he skipped breakfast in fear of throwing up from the nerves. Tenma slipped his hat on as the trio walked outside, the bright midday light brightening up the sidewalks and well-kept gardens.

"So, how did you two meet?" The blonde asked as he kicked a rock, watching it bounce along the sidewalk in front of them.

"Well, we are co-workers, so it was bound to happen eventually" Nene shrugs "But I met Rui on my first day, and he helped show me around and get the ropes of the place"

"Right, Nene and I became close because of how often we see each other at work, and later we started hanging out outside of the theatre" Rui adds

"Nice," Tsukasa says as he glanced at Nene "Why didn't you tell me about him?"

RuiKasa: A Star MelodyWhere stories live. Discover now