𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝟩 ☆

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A/N: please refer to Chapter 0 for character designs if you need them (it's just MMJ post-office designs)

The walk to the post office was pleasant. Rui and Tsukasa talked about the festival, not just the upcoming, but also previous years and what they would do as little kids when it came around.

Rui talked about how he and his grandpa had set up a booth and sold small robots and toys, and according to him, it was a successful business, if you could really call it that. He would talk about how his grandpa would spilt the money with him 50/50, and he would take it and run around the festival for the rest of the day, playing games and eating fest-food.

Tsukasa told him about how he and Saki would run around and do the goldfish scooping and ring toss games, afterwards they'd have picnics on the grass with their mom while listening to the many bands preforming for the event. They also got to help a bunch with the fair decorating, well, as much as two little kids could. Their mom used to be on the city council for event planning, so they would help by making paper chains and lanterns for booths, sidewalks, parks, and the amphitheater.

Eventually, the two boys reached the post office. A few cars and a handful of delivery scooters and mopeds were parked out front. On the side of the building was a small truck and two postmen who carried boxes from it and into the back of the building.

The post office was a lively and colorful place, somewhere Tenma personally enjoyed to be, even if it was just for quick visits. There were flower boxes in the front which were filled with various kinds of vibrant flowers, and a large Japanese Lilac tree loomed over it, the white flower petals littering the roof and parking lot.

Rui opened the door for the shorter boy as they walked inside, and Tsukasa thanked him as he stepped inside, grabbing his P.O. Box key from his pocket as he walked to the isle it was in.

"I'll be in the service room, my friend is in there, come find me when you're done" Rui says as he walks around the corner.

"Sounds good" Tenma nodded as he unlocked the box, which was about a fourth of the way filled with envelopes and a small package, which made him grin.

He knew what was inside the tiny box, it was a charm he had ordered for the festival, two small star clips that would go on either side of his jackets' collar, connected by a chain. They were called lapel chains, and they were popular accessories for events and parties.

After sorting through the mail, throwing away spams and fraud mail, he went to go find Rui. He was in the post-room like he said, talking to a girl behind the counter. She had pink hair and a pink uniform to match. The girl looked familiar, and Tsukasa thought he might've seen her with Saki before.

He opened the door to the room and a bell rang, both of them turning to look at me with a smile.

"Welcome in, can I help you?" The pinkette asked, leaning onto the counter.

"No, thank you, I'm was just looking for Rui" He replied, waving a dismissive hand and grinning at her in a friendly way.

"Oh, nice to meet you, I'm Airi" she announced as she held out a hand for the blonde to shake.

"Nice to meet you too, I'm Tsukasa" He introduced, shaking her warm hand.

"Saki's older brother?"

"Yup, that's me"

"That's cool, she's a good friend of mine" Airi grins as she lets go of his hand and returns it to the counter, drumming her fingers on the wood in a rhythmic pattern.

"I'm glad you two are off to a good start" Rui hums as he put a hand on Tenma's shoulder, a warm hand, warmer than Airi's.

"Me too" Airi and Tsukasa said in unison, making the two of them giggle a little.

"Airi here is a good friend of mine, Tsukasa, and she and her friends will be doing mini-shows for the festival" The other boy says and the girl nods proudly.

"We're a new aspiring idol group called More More Jump! this is gonna be our first public performance since starting" She explains excitedly "I heard you're auditioning for the pianists spot in the actual orchestra, Rui told me all about it"

"Did he now? Also that's really cool, congratulations, I'll be sure to check you guys out" He grinned as the short girl nods.

"Thanks, but yeah, Rui doesn't shut up about you, it's like some kind of weird obsession" She snickers as she smirk at him.

"Oh please, I'm not obsessed with him" Rui chuckles, a light shade of pink dusting itself across his otherwise pale cheeks.

"C'mon, he's come up in every conversation we've had for the past week" Airi giggles, and this time it's Tsukasa's turn to get red in the face.

"Because he's interesting- never mind, you won't hear me out, will you?" Rui sighs and shake his head.

"Nope!" The girl giggles but is cut off when a blonde boy comes in through a door in the back, wearing a dark blue uniform.

"Airi! We need help organizing the packages and mail now" he says, glancing at the three of them and smiling guiltily "Sorry, am I interrupting?"

"No, we were just chatting, here I come" Airi says as she waved goodbye to the two boys on the other side of the counter before running into the back. The post boy, however, still stood in the doorway, observing the two before snapping his fingers.

"Hey Tsukasa! It's Len!" The electric-blonde grins. Tsukasa has to take a moment to look at the other boys face before beamed and waving enthusiastically.

Len was one of Tsukasa's childhood friends. They grew up as neighbors and hung out often, but after Tsukasa started high school two years before him, they lost a bit of contact, so it was great to see him again.

"Len! It's been so long! I barely recognized you!" Tenma exclaimed as his younger friend chuckles.

"Times sure flies, huh?" The shorter boy grins as he adjusts the goggles on his head "I need to get back to work, but let's hangout soon, it'd be nice to catch up"

"Yeah, sounds like fun!"

"Alright, I need go, sorry I can't talk longer" He chuckled apologetically.

"No problem Len, talk to you soon!" Tsukasa waves as Kagamine nods.

"Bye Tsukasa- oh! Say hi to Saki for me!" Len said, before slipping out of the doorway quickly to return to his job.

Once he was gone, Tenma turned to face Rui, who sighs and pinches his nose bridge, his face still dusted with a light shade of crimson.

"I'm sorry about Airi, I swear I'm not obsessed with you" he mutters and the older boy chuckled, putting a hand on his shoulder and patting it comfortingly.

"No worries, it's fine, now c'mon, let's get going, you've still got to get back to your own job" He smiled as he guided Rui out of the post office.

"Don't remind me" He says in a playfully annoyed tone as the two of them make their way back to the theatre.

'Man, he talks about me so much? Cute- cute? That's weird, why's that the word I chose... eh, whatever, I'm just glad he thinks I'm a good person, so thanks Rui -if thanks is really the right reaction- I appreciate the indirect compliment'

Tsukasa smiled to himself as Rui begins talking about how talkative Airi is and how he wishes she'd keep her mouth shut. But...it was cute... yeah, it was cute.

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