Chapter Six

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        Grayson helped me get ready for dinner, which I was thankful for, because otherwise I would've looked like a chipmunk who'd drowned in sewage. For starters, my wardrobe was not sufficient, being from a Target in Las Vegas, but it was quickly glamorized with a dress Grayson ordered, along with shoes and a clutch. It all arrived to the mansion within an hour, once again shocking me. The life of a billionaire was just so simple. Everything was within reach, all at a moment's notice.

        "I hope you like the dress," he said, stepping into the bathroom to change into his own nice clothes.

        I frowned when I pulled it out of the bag. "It's uh..."

        "It's what?" he asked through the door.

        I was glad he couldn't see my blush. "A bit revealing." More than a bit–the front had a neckline that was so deep it almost hit my belly button. I didn't mind the slit halfway up the skirt though.

        There was an incredibly long pause on the other side. "It is?"

        "Yes, it is," I confirmed.

        He opened the door a bit so I could see his grinning face. "My bad."

        Update: Grayson is incredibly annoying. Figures that that side of him would only come through after I'd agreed to spend the next six months with him. Shaking my head, I shoved his face back into the bathroom and shut the door.

        "Hey," he complained.

        "Hey, next time, get me a normal dress," I said, rolling my eyes.

        "That is normal! At least tell me I did a good job on the shoes and clutch."

        "They're fine," I sighed. The shoes were actually quite nice, with heels that wouldn't send me plunging to my death and a cute strap that crisscrossed before it buckled. The clutch was dressy too; simply black with a silver clasp.

        "Should I know anything about these people that are coming over?" I called through the door, wiggling into the offending dress.

        "Um...let's see. The Girards are all pretty nice, they usually come over for Christmas and whatnot. They spent the last six months in Tanzania, on safari. The parents are friends with my parents, they knew me growing up. The son, Benjamin, he's nine and last I saw him, he only liked talking about dinosaurs."

        "Aw," I giggled. "Wasn't there another kid? Gracelynn?"

        "Yes, she's our age, oh, and mother's been convinced that she and I are soulmates for years. I'm honestly surprised she took me being married to someone else so well," Grayson added casually.

        Suddenly I felt a little nauseous. "Gracelynn, she's not um, dating you, or anything?"

        "No, gosh. For years we've pretty much avoided each other because of our parents' meddling. Nice girl, but much too proper and spiffy," Grayson said, knocking. I told him to come in and he did, now wearing a sharp black suit and tie.

        "I look ridiculous," I said flatly, staring into the mirror hanging on one of the closet doors. "I've never worn anything this nice in my life."

        "Come on, your wedding dress?" he joked, making me snort.

        "Seriously, you look nice," he offered. 

        "Thanks," I mumbled. "How are we going to fake it tonight?"

        "Not that bad, actually. Just be polite to each other, smile a lot, laugh at each other's jokes, stuff like that," Grayson said casually. "Maybe a kiss on the cheek, if that's okay?"

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