Chapter Twenty-Five

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        The next morning, I was devastated to say goodbye to Kylie and Nina at the airport. Clay was the only one to come with me, since Mr. Answell had flown out earlier that morning and Grayson was busy with work. I was apprehensive about bringing Clay as the 'goodbye squad,' and that gut feeling turned out to be correct.

        "Ky, do you have the tickets?" Nina asked, patting down her pockets for her passport.

        "Technically, yes, but I'd rather say I dropped them down the sewage grate," Kylie sighed wistfully.

        I looked at her in wonder. "Uh, why?"

        "Because I don't want to leave," she pouted. "It's nice here, and you're here, and Cl-well, I had a really nice time."

        "Well, here's something to make your leaving a little less bitter," Clay said, handing her a bouquet of flowers. Part of me wondered if he'd ever, and I mean ever, bought flowers for a girl before. It wouldn't surprise me if he hadn't.

        Kylie's mouth formed a small o. "Clay!" she said, furiously blushing the same shade of pink as the roses in her hands. "You shouldn't have."

        "Ah, I figured I owed you for being a pain in the butt the whole time," he said, sheepishly grinning and stuffing his hands in his pockets.

        "You were anything but a pain in the butt," she was quick to assure him, throwing her arms around his shoulders for a hug. I stifled a laugh at Clay's stunned face; poor boy had probably never been hugged by a girl before. His face went pink as he hugged her back, and I had to admit his shy smile was kind of cute.

        Maybe someday they'll both be old enough to date each other.

        "Wow, Clay, you didn't get me flowers?" Nina asked, her look of hurt one of the sneakiest things I'd ever seen.

        He looked embarrassed. "Uh, I mean, well–see, Kylie..." he floundered.

        "Relax, I'm just messing with you," she laughed, giving him a short hug. "See you at the wedding."

        "See you then," he squeaked. I think he's a bit scared of Nina.

        Nina and Kylie both gave me enormous hugs goodbye, once more congratulating me on the marriage that was oh-so-delightful. Kylie's hug was somewhat painful, as she whispered, "I will be sending you more gifts, Mrs. Answell."

        "You will not!" I hissed through my fake smile.

        She blew me a kiss and walked off, following Nina. Still fuming, I turned to Clay and grumbled, "Let's go home."

        "Uh huh," he mumbled, still staring in Kylie's wake.

        I sighed, grabbing him by the wrist and dragging him back through the terminal. "Let's go, lover boy."

        We headed back to the car, both of us climbing in the backseat. I buckled in and asked Clay, "So where does Grayson work?"

        He scooted over to my side and pointed out the window. "See the tall blue building? Your man is in there."

        "Wow. Cool place to work," I said, impressed.

        "Yeah, they have a fish tank!" Clay said, excited. "We should go visit. There's a fish I named Bonnie and every time I see her she floats up and blows bubbles at me."

        "Smart fishie," I said absentmindedly.

        Before I could stop him, Clay flung himself forward, asking the driver to make a stop at Grayson's office. "No, Clay, we don't have to go," I insisted as he sat back down.

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