Chapter Fifteen

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        The next morning, Mr. Answell, Grayson's father, arrived in town. He, unlike Clay, had his own car, so no one had to pick him up at the airport. That unfortunately gave me plenty of time to pace and worry until he got here.

        "Jackie, I promise, he's going to love you," Grayson said softly, his arm comfortably snaking around my waist. We were standing beneath the covered entryway, watching down the driveway for headlights.

        I was trying to avoid chewing on my fingernails. "How do you know?"

"Because you're exactly the kind of daughter-in-law he's always dreamed of," he said with a twinkle in his eye. "Mother always wanted Clay and I to marry women who were over-the-top gorgeous and knew how to throw parties and plan dinners. I'm not saying you're not any of those things, but I know you're an extremely hard worker and someone who takes responsibility. Dad values those things, and so do I."

        That did make me feel slightly better. "Okay," I said, still feeling queasy.

        Grayson squeezed my hand, a motion that over the past few days had come to mean I know things are weird but it's going to be okay. Saying that out loud would've only made me panic more, but the hidden message in a simple gesture was calming. I clung to his fingers, knowing he was the only thing holding me down in this crazy hurricane of emotions. 

        The hurricane came back at full force when a gleaming white car came up the driveway, rolling to a stop in front of us. Grayson looked genuinely excited, an expression so different from the one he'd worn when seeing Laura at home. That had to be a good sign. Clay stood a few feet away, his hands jammed in his pockets and his lips pursed in a whistle.

        The man who got out of the car was a spitting image of Grayson, if Grayson was much older and had a square jaw. He even dressed exactly like Grayson, with a crisp black suit and shiny black shoes. There were streaks of gray in his dark brown hair, and his eyes crinkled in the corners behind his sunglasses. He was taller than both of his sons, but not by much.

        "Hey, guys, I really missed you," he said, hugging both Grayson and Clay. My heart swelled at the snug embrace; it was clear they didn't see each other as much as they wanted to. I didn't know the feeling, but I understood how it would affect someone. The way he hugged both men said that he didn't know when he'd get to hug them again. 

        "Clay, did you grow?" Mr. Answell asked, raising his eyebrows.

        "A full two inches," Clay replied proudly, puffing out his chest a little. I hid my laugh behind my hand. Yes, Clay really was young enough to still be growing. 

        "And still needs help pulling down the garage door," Grayson said under his breath, earning himself a shove from his little brother.

        "They're automatic!"

        "So why can't you reach the bottom of the door?" Grayson challenged.

        Clay looked ready to explode. "Grayson Ferguson Answell, I will throttle you in order to get you to stop talking."

        A giggle escaped my lips. "Ferguson?"

        "We don't talk about Ferguson," Grayson said, shooting his brother an irritated look.

        Clay winked at me. "We definitely talk about Ferguson."

        "Grayson, I heard you got married," Mr. Answell interrupted, casually killing all conversation about Ferguson.

        "I did. Jackie, this is my dad, Charles Answell, and dad, this is Jackie," Grayson said quickly. 

        "It's lovely to meet you, dear, although I'm curious, how did you two get married in a matter of days?" Mr. Answell asked, slipping his sunglasses into his pocket before shaking my hand.

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