The Conformatorium

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"You can open your eyes, human" Eda said as she gently nudged Luz on the shoulder. She slowly opened her eyes, looking around before grabbing onto the staff after realizing how high up they were. Hunter just chuckled as he flew beside them. "Magic staff, skin eating fairies, You guys are witches!? What is this place?!" Luz exclaimed, sitting up right on the staff. Hunter laughed more as he patted Luzs head slightly before flying in front of her. "Welcome to the boiling Isles! Every myth you humans have is caused by little bits of our world leaking into yours" He smiled before pointing towards a griffin flying nearby them, spewing out spiders. "A griffin... I knew it!!"

"Yep, Griffins, Vampires, Giraffes-" Eda said before Luz cut her off with a confused look on her face. "Wait.. Giraffes?" Hunter rolled his eyes before leading Eda and Luz to a clear spot on the ground to land. "Oh yeah, We banished those guys. Bunch of freaks..." Eda climbed off the staff, grabbing the sack tied to the end. Luz stayed silent before shrieking and throwing herself off the staff, onto the ground. Edas hand had fallen off and was still gripping onto the staff. "Oh, Mama Eda! You forgot something" Hunter said as Eda quickly grabbed her hand and screwed it back on her arm. "Oops, that happens sometimes. Thanks Kiddo" Hunter just smiled before helping luz off the floor and dusting her off. Luz just cringed slightly, watching Eda screw her arm back on. "Okay, this clearly isn't the pg 13 fantasy world I dreamt of, So.. Could you help me get home?"

"Only if you help us first! We'll explain when we get there, Follow us!" Hunter and Eda walked through the forest, Luz thinking for a moment before quickly following behind them. She kept following behind the two, arriving at some type of house. It was all white with a navy blue curved sloping roof, An eye shaped stained glass window at the top, creepy yet homey. But once Luz got closer, she noticed some type of owl head thing on the front door, apparently it was alive too! "Hoot hoot! Password please!" The owl thing hooted before Eda just poked him in the eyes as Hunter just looked back at Luz with a smile. "We don't have time for this hooty, let us in already" After a fair amount of complaining from the owl, it opened its mouth as wide as the door and Eda walked in. Hunter gently tugged Luzs shirt as the both followed Eda inside. Once inside, Eda snapped her fingers and candles lit up along with a fireplace, Illuminating the cozy yet creepy space. It had a feel that was both otherworldly and incredibly familiar, From the plushy furniture to the warm tones to even the framed wanted posters on the wall. Luz was just in awe as she looked around with a small smile. "Wow... This is.. Awesome!"

"Welcome to.. The owl house. This is where me and Mama Eda hide from the pressures of modern life. Also the cops... AND Edas ex-boyfriends" Hunter said, standing next to luz with his claw on her shoulder. Eda just scoffed quietly at his last line but brushed it off and stood at the door. Luz looked back at Eda, then towards Hunter before speaking. "So.. It's just you guys here?" Before Hunter could even open his mouth, a series of thudding noises echoed through the house. Luz clinged onto Hunters arm as the thudding noises continued, Eda walking forward and rolling her eyes. "Actually, we have a roommate"


A small dog-like creature with a head that had a half exposed skull appeared in the living room doorway. He was wearing a little red collar and a few bath towels, Along with holding a small rubber duck. "The king of demons!" He shouted, his voice much shriller than before. Luz quietly gasped running over and scooping the creature into her arms. "¡Aw qué lindo!" She squealed, holding the creature in her arms talking to him in a baby voice. Hunter just chuckled while Eda just watched with a small smirk. "Eda! Hunter! WHO IS THIS MONSTER!?" Eda just grabbed luz by her jumper hood and pulled her away from him, Hunter still chuckling behind them. "Easy King. This is Luz, The human. She's going to help us with our little problem." Luz gave her a confused Luz, stumbling back onto the floor and looking up at Eda. "What problem?" "Ah right, Uhm.. Hunter you explain. You're better at telling stories than I am" Eda looked back at Hunter who just rolled his eyes.

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