Volumes of Veezara (Prologue)

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Darkness. Pure darkness. No sense of sight or direction or even a sense of being. Nothingness. Silence. Then, a hum. An aura announced its presence and hummed. Aura so strong that it felt as if it were living. No words were spoken, but it called out. And although one couldn't tell if there were other living things around, it seemed obvious who the calls were for.

Still, darkness consumed everything. This, however, didn't serve as a viable excuse. The aura called out. Even without noise, it seemed to get noticeably louder. The void let not noise escape its grasp, but still deafening was the beckon.

Then, a light. Faint. The noise followed suit. Now, it was faint.
Advancing towards the sound. Towards the light. Right on top of the hum, the aura seemed pleased. It purred with pride. Looking down, murky waters glared back. The waters would be as dark as the void that was recently escaped, but lights reflected upon its surface. The source of these lights? The source of the aura? Gigantic trees loomed over the murky waters. The leaves on the trees glowed. Dim. Then bright. Dim. Then bright. This is where the aura exuded. The lights, the leaves. They were...sentient? The dimming. The brightening. This almost seemed to motion like communication.
Off instinct or maybe orders, one peered into the murky waters. This all seemed so familiar. The heavy dirt of the waters swirled as if disturbed. The lights danced on the surface. The water, it glowed vigorously. Peering deep into the waters...


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