13.5| Avalon

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The clock seemed to tick loudly, echoing through the classroom and through Avalon Lakatos's ears.

       Avalon drummed her fingers against the desk in front of her, whilst tapping her shoe repeatedly against the carpeted floor to a non-existent rhythm.

        It was the last class of the day and Avalon couldn't wait to get out of that stuffy classroom.

         Avalon gazed up at the clock once again. What the hell?, Her mind began to question. Is the clock moving slower now?

         Each second felt like an eternity to her.

      Avalon propped her head up on her fist—-her fist was pressing against her temple.

         My teacher has got to be an energy vampire, Avalon thought to herself. Every single one of her words are pushing me further and further into my impending coma. She yawned.

        And then, what Avalon had been awaiting for so long finally happened—-or at least she thought it did.

        In Avalon's mind, the bell had already rung.

        Avalon stood quickly.

       The teacher—-Mrs. Aerons—-peaked her head over the book she was holding up, that nearly covered her entire face. She adjusted her glasses. "And what do you think you're doing?"

       "T-the bell-" Avalon began to stammer in her somewhat thick Greek accent. Her hands began to shake.

        Aerons heaved out a little laugh of amusement. "A bell?" She let more air out of her lungs. "You kids these days are getting more and more enthralled in your imagination… Frankly, it's getting concerning."

       Avalon continued to stand awkwardly, noticing the judgemental looks she was getting from other students out of the corner of her eye.

       "Class started five minutes ago, Miss Lakatos…" Aerons put extra emphasis on the word 'five'. "We still have forty minutes left."

       "Oh." Avalon slumped back down into her seat.

       "Now if you're done disrupting class…" Aerons rose her book up once again before beginning to speak.

        Once Avalon felt the number of judgemental gazes double, she shrunk down into her jacket. She wanted to pull up her hood and disappear. I'm so stupid!, Her mind hissed. Why can't I just- just… Her mind fell quiet.

     Avalon's head slumped down into her desk—-she hoped that Aerons wouldn't notice. She let her arms and hands cushion her head.

        For quite a few minutes, Avalon remained with her eyes closed, trying to focus on Mrs. Aerons's words—-tuning out every other noise around her; and for a while, it seemed to work for her.

          Finally, a little, faint sound of ringing began to echo in Avalon's ears.

         Are you kidding me?, Avalon thought to herself, as she slightly adjusted the way she was resting her head on her arms.

          The ringing noise increased.

           Avalon groaned a little at the noise.

       The ringing continued to reverberate throughout Avalon's mind.

         Okay. No way I'm the only one hearing this. It's too loud. Avalon lifted her head a little to see if anyone else had heard the noise. As she held her head gently above the desk and tilted her it, she let her eyes cruise amongst the other students who were staring straight up at the front of the class.

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