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Yes, that's me. So how'd I end up here? Lemme tell you


"Yo Rushia" I called out to a certain green-haired necromancer

"Ah! Renami-kun!" Rushia pounced onto me as usual and embraced me in a hug which would've killed a normal person.

I tap on her back twice as I managed to let out a sound. "'re killing m-me".

With a gasp, she immediately let go and looked down, quite disheartened. "Renami-kun...I'm sorry....Rushia just missed you so much"

I sighed and pat her head. "No worries. It's all good.-" Before I could finish my sentence, my phone rang. I whipped out my phone and looked at the lit-up screen, revealing that I got a call from the baka onion, Aqua. ringtone wasn't the best in the current situation.

"Doochi doochi doochi doochi doochi doochi~, gyaku!..." The sound of the fan made song of Ayame rang throughout the room as I declined the call, texted Aqua and looked back at Rushia.

Although, I wasn't surprised, I was still quite scared since Rushia was emitting a very, intimidating aura and someone got a knife out of nowhere.

"Nee~ Renami-kun, why is Ayame-senpai your ringtone hm? What about Rushia?" I could see her slowly approaching me.

".....I can't talk my way out of this can I?" I immediately turned around. 

"Joseph Joestar secreto techinque" I started sprinting like there was no tomorrow. 


I flew pass some of the talents along the way, even running on walls to avoid them and also doing some weird ass acrobatic shit while Rushia was right in my tail, still having her "innocent" smile as her eyes glowed red.

As much as I loved yanderes, this shit's too much, but at the same time I want her to dominate my ass- wait sorry that sounded wrong

**Yo, this is your friendly totally not suicidal author speaking~. If you were wondering about my OC, aka Renami, I'm gonna publish my fic soon so you could look forward to that I suppose**

Just random hololive shenanigans with my OCWhere stories live. Discover now