𝙒𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙞𝙛..? 1

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What if:

When Darry smacks Ponyboy for being out past curfew, instead of running to Johnny he runs away alone.

Ponyboy Curtis POV;

I couldn't stand it, him yelling at me all the time.. then he had the nerve to yell at Soda? “Don't you yell at him!” I yelled, going to push him but Darry wheeled his hand back.. slapping me across the cheek.

We all went silent, Darry stared at his hand for a long while.. “Pony, I-” but I was gone before he could say another word, as I ran in the direction of town I pretended not to hear Darry yelling for me to come back.

I didn't stop running for a long time but when I did I recognized where I was.. Buck Merrills house.

Inside I could hear people singing along to Hank Williams (I tried not to gag) I remembered Darry saying not to be anywhere near Buck's place but in that moment I didn't care.

Walking up the steps the sound of country music practically assaulted me as Buck opened the door, he glared down at me “What do you want.” he smelled like beer and weed.

Forcing a cough down I cleared my throat, “Is Dallas here..?” I asked, Buck said a swift no before slamming the door..

I decided to wait on the steps until Dallas got there, I wasn't entirely sure if Buck was telling the truth or not but waited anyway.. after about an hour I got up off the steps and started walking home.

I continued walking down the block away from my house, I didn't want to see Darry at that moment.. I hated him.

Walking down I felt hot tears bridging my eyes, brushing them away impatiently my vision blurred.

I looked up to see a limping figure holding their side walking towards me, I later realized it was Dallas. He didn't recognize me at first, his eyes were swollen up bad.. he was about to fall over (either drunk out of his wits or that hurt, I wasn't sure)..

“Hey Dally, you alright..?” I asked, glancing at him.. he didn't seem angry and was unnaturally silent.

“You get in a fight or something..?” I asked, Dallas nodded.. “C'mon, you're heading to Buck's right?” I asked as I wrapped one arm around his back carefully.. he nodded “Yeah man..” he mumbled

He didn't talk after that for a while, I sat him against the stairs of Buck's place as I knocked again.. Buck answered with a girl around him this time and was probably gonna curse at me to go home until he saw Dally.

“Come on in, his room's upstairs.” he said sternly motioning to the stairs on the wall across from the door.

I led Dally through the door, pushing past drunk guys in cowboy hats.. I stumbled up the stairs as Dally leaned his head against my shoulder, he looked bad off.

Pushing the door open with my foot I helped Dallas into the bed, he laid there for a couple seconds.. he had blood on the side of his white tank top.

“Was it Shepard?” I asked him, closing the door to block out some of the noise.. he nodded before looking at me like I had three heads.

“Ponyboy, what're you doing here?” he demanded, pulling off his bloodied shirt.. “I found you stumbling through the street like a drunk.” I shrugged, this was the most me and Dally had ever talked so I figured I was doing fine as long as he wasn't in dangerous mode.

“Yeah.. old Curly sure can punch..” he rubbed his side ruefully before grinning proudly, “Won't be able to see outta his eye for a week or so though.” he talked like he was bragging about a trophy.

“That's cool, want some ice or something..?” I asked, it was clear I was awkward.. Dally nodded “The freezer box is downstairs in the kitchen,” he nodded to the door so I left.. sneaking down the steps though I doubt anyone would pay mind to me while having country music blast in all directions of the house.

Walking into the kitchen, I pulled the freezer door open in search of an ice pack.. when I couldn't find one I grabbed a frozen slab of meat and a bag of peas.

When I got back up the stairs Dallas had his eyes closed, his hand rested on his side.. opening the door I realized that it barely did anything against the music coming from down stairs.

I figured he was asleep, moving his hand I placed the bag of peas on his side and the slab of meat against his face gingerly.

Yawning I sat on the floor thinking about Darry and Soda, I went to sleep thinking about them and if Soda was worried.. I told myself I didn't care if Darry was worried or not but I knew deep down that I was lying.

When I woke up again it took me a second to remember what had happened, like a wave of memories splashed over me.

I got up confused, I was covered with a blanket and in the bed Dallas had been sleeping in last night.

Mornin'” I heard a familiar voice say from across the room, it was Dally.

I nodded to him awkwardly, “You okay?” I asked.. mostly because I couldn't think of anything else to say.. Dally nodded but didn't say anything else.

“Shoot, Johnny fell asleep in the lot.. I was gonna get him.” I said, remembering how cold it had been last night. I got up, shoving the blankets off me as I went towards the door.

Dallas grabbed my arm, a cigarette already in his mouth.. “Hold up man, it'll be faster if we drive.” he said, spinning the key hook on his finger.

I nodded, glad he wasn't asking any questions.. I turned to make the bed.. “Whatcha doin?” he asked, motioning me to come on “Well, I messed your bed up..” I said quietly, Dally smirked as he shook his head.

As he sped down the street towards the lot, I saw Johnny walking down the street.. hollering at Dally to stop he skidded to a stop.

“Johnny!” I yelled, waving him over.. he jogged to us, smiling slightly.

“Where to?” Dallas asked, showing off the stack of money he had in his dashboard.

“How bout’ Dairy Queen?” I suggested and Johnny nodded, without another word Dally sped off towards the nearest Dairy Queen.

𝙒𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙞𝙛..?┃𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑶𝑼𝑻𝑺𝑰𝑫𝑬𝑹𝑺Where stories live. Discover now