I tought you hated him?

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Y/n POV:
Today was my volleyball game and it's was against our rival team. I was currently warming up with my teammates,when we heard loud music coming from the entry.

we all looked up too se that it was none other than are rival team with there annoying captain Brady Noon.

B- what's up losers.
Brady said doing a L signe with his fingers.

Y/n- what do you guys want.

B- sorry to disturb you're peace sweetheart but we just wanted to tell you guys good luck.
Brady said with a sarcastic tone.

Y/n- whatever let's go to are locker's guys.

I told my team so we could get away from them
especially Brady he was the biggest jerk in that team, I absolutely hate Brady calling me sweetheart or princess and he knew it that's Wy he always stuck with it.

(Time skip)

We were getting ready to start the game, when I saw Brady and a girl talking to each other she was way too touchy with him. I think my teammates noticed me staring at them cuz one of them came and asked me if I was ok.

N- Y/n dont let him get in you're head.
My teammates Nicole told me.

Y/n- yeah yeah i won't you can trust me.
N-ok I hope so good luck.
Nicole said walking away to take her place.
After she left I took my place, great the person I Despised most was in front of me.

Then the referee blew his whistle and the game quickly started.

(Time skip)

Half way thru the game, the ball was coming my way but I unfortunately missed the first time in this game and Brady's team won.
B-Better luck next time princess.
Brady said coming up to the net and telling me.
I just rolled my eyes and took my place.

(Time skip)

When the game finally ended we had won and everyone was cheering, me and my team were jumping out of excitement.

J-we did it,we did it,we did it.
My teammates Julie said dancing and singing.
We all laughed. While we were walking to are lockers I felt something pull me too the side, and of course it was none other than Brady.

B- hey i juste wanted to say congrats for real this time.
Brady said sincerely, weird I tought Wy is he nice now?

Y/n- Really aren't you going too insulte me or prank me?
B- look Y/n i get that you're mad at me for being an asshole. But I'm sorry ok can we go back to how things were before pls.

Oh yeah did I mention that me and Brady were once best friends until Brady dumped me and left to go too my rival team. And became an asshole too me and my teammates.

Y/n- I don't know Brady.
B- can you Atleast think about it I really miss you and I know you miss me too.
Y/n- I'll think about it.
I said walking away.

B- Y/n
Brady said making me stop in my tracks.

Y/n- Yeah
B- after all these years I still love you.

those words we're the last thing I tought would come out of his mouth it's been so long since I've heard those words from him.

Y/n- i still love you too Brady Noon.
I said walking away.

When I reached my teams locker room, I opened it too see my teammates packing there stuff.

N- Y/n where were you?
My teammate Nicole asked me.

J- you had us worried.
My other teammate Julie said.

E-we tought that you got lost.
One of my other teammates Ella told laughing.

Y/n- yeah about that guys who came too see me.

"Who?" All my teammates asked with a smile on there face's.

Y/n- Brady.

As I said his name I could see that everyone's faces dropped.

E- you mean Brady hepner right?
Ella asked.

Y/n- Nope Brady Noon. And I decided too give him a second chance.

N- BRADY NOON, I tought you hated him?
Nicole asked.

Y/n- i did at first but he apologized and he wanted too restart.

N- ok i guess we just don't want you too get hurt again.
Nicole said while everyone else nodded.

Y/n- i know I know but I feel like he's actually  changed.
J- if you say so, now bring it in you guys.
Julie said said almost crying because it was our last game of the season.

Y/n- i love you guys so much.
"We love you too" everyone said.

What do you guys think about this story? I hope you guys like it.have a great day and stay blessed 😊.

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