{No pressure}

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            "Fuck," Fred mouthed to me right after Dumbledore's "welcome" speech. Only telling us we are in no way going to have fun this year wasn't very welcome of him. Dementors. At Hogwarts. It already sounded like a nightmare.
At least dinner was great. I'd missed the great foods of the wizarding world. Don't get me wrong, my mom is a witch, so sometimes my family has the chance to have this experience. But my dad, as a very understanding muggle, he's asked us to be "normal" at least for the three months of summer I'm home.

The angry voices of all the students around me, made my head step out of its thought process. I turned to look at the Slytherins who were already looking at the teachers, probably wanting to murder them for that addition to our programs. The Gryffindors were barely keeping themselves from throwing something at Dumbledore, who seemed pretty concerned by the reactions. My eyes went back to the Hufflepuffs. Cedric got his eyes out of his plate, to look at me. He seemed pretty concerned.
Truth is, the Dementors being on school grounds was indeed concerning. Especially since Dumbledore had this need to push away the Ministry of Magic any time they tried to change anything in our education. He used to be so sick of them.

It all too weird.

But then again, Harry Potter was in school... So things were meant to be weird.

The philosophical thought moment was over again, when Fred came up to me. "I'm going to die," he said.

"Hey, good thing you're optimistic." I took in the last bit of food on my plate.

"Cas, do you have any idea what this means?" 

I looked up at him with a raised eyebrow. "What?"

"No sneaking out for Quidditch Nights, no parties. Bloody hell, we won't even be able to hang around Hogsmeade for long..." Even though he was right, I couldn't not laugh at his ridiculous pout. 

"We'll figure it out Freddy, don't worry." I got up from my seat, turning my head to the Gryffindor table. Wood was sitting there with a frown that I was just starting to think it was painted on his face. He went nowhere without it, like a teenage girl with her lip-gloss. "Yeah, no Quidditch Nights will be a bummer."

"I KNOW," Fred yelled at my face.

With the corner of my eye I saw Cedric running up to me. "This is going to be one hell of a year huh?" he said, his hand finding the back of my waist. I frowned at his movement, but quickly brushed it off.

"Well... We'll just have to live with it..."

"Since when are you understanding?" Cedric said with a genuine smile.

My head turned to Wood again. "I have more important things to care about."

Monday morning. First Class. Potions with Professor Snape. Life couldn't be worse now, could it? Me and Este were on our way to class until Marcus Turner appeared. Our house's brand-new prefect and actually one of the most annoying people I've met in my life. He stood right in front of us and just before I opened my mouth to speak, Este's voice sounded. "Hey Marcus, how was your summer?"

Thank Merlin she is such a kind-hearted person. I would've immediately insulted him. 

"Flitwick wants you." Marcus told me, completely ignoring Este.

"But... we have a class," I said, questioning his morals.

"I have his signature, you can go." He said waving a note in the air.

"Let me see that," I say, grabbing the note, checking for anything that would catch Snape's attention. It seemed clear. "Fine," I said. "But Este is giving it to him, not you." He frowned as I gave the note to her.

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