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Jennie's POV

I was sleeping peacefully when i heard namjoon oppa's shouting from outside my room.

"Jennie wake up or your gonna be late again"he said while knocking at my door.

"Coming oppa"i said in sleepy tone.

"Make it fast your gonna be late"he warned me again.

I sighed and do my morning routine and go downstairs to eat my breakfast.And i saw namjoon oppa is preparing some pancakes and smoothie.

"Good morning oppa"i said and i hugged gim ashe hug me back.

"Good morning princess"he said and kiss my forehead"go and sit and eat your breakfast"he continued

After eating and its 7:30 i decided to proceed cause my class starts on 8:00.
I saw namjoon oppa is waiting for me outside on his car and i sit on passenger seat.And he drove off to our university,while in the namjoon oppa is driving i was in my phone listening in some pop song.And finally we arrived at the university.KIM UNIVERSITY and bid my good bye to namjoon oppa and as i was walking i saw my besties.

"Unnie,lisa,rosie"i called them and hugged them and go to our class and while walking i saw my crush kim taehyung going to class too and i greet him.

"Hi tae"i said cheerfully as he is my first ever crush and yes you heard it right he's my crush since elementary till now.

"Hi"he said coldly in his deep voice and start walking and jisoo unnie lisa and rosè is giving me a teasing looks and we start walking too because we're gonna be late.

As we enter the class we are relieved cause our prof is not yet there i sit with taehyung and as we sit the professor came in and we greeted him a good morning and start to discuss.

"Okay our lesson for today is blah...blah...blah."after a boring discussion its breaktime.

"Unnie lets go im hungry"rosé said while pouting.

"Go first i'll just talk to tae"i said whispering.

They nodded and left.

"Hey taehyung wanna go to the cafeteria"i said while smiling.

"Im going with my hyung's"he said coldly "oh okay"i said.And he walk away with his hyung's.

Taehyung's POV

As i was keeping my things someone spoke behind me and i knew it was jennie.

"Hey taehyung wanna go to the cafeteria"she said while smiling.

"Im going with my hyung's"i said coldly "oh okay"she replied and i started walking with my hyungs.

Jennie's POV

I surprised by his answer cuz he always say that.And time pass it was already time to go home and i bid my good bye to my besties.

"Bye unnie see you tomorrow"i said waving may hand to them and they do the same.

"Bye see you tomorrow"they said and we go home.

And we're finally home.
"What dinner do you want?"namjoon oppa asked"i want ramen oppa"i said and proceed to my room,as i was in my room i was about to go change my clothes when i collapse everything went black.

Namjoon's POV

As i was heading to the kitchen i heard a loud sound from jennie's room i asked"jennie are you ok"and i didn't get any response so i decided to go to her room and i was shocked when i saw her lying on the floor i immediately called an ambulance and run her to the hospital.Im so worried about her so i called her besties jisoo,rosè,and lisa.And they're here.

"Oppa where is she"jisso said while running towards me"she's still being examined"i said.

Jisoo's POV

Its 5:30 in the evening when namjoon oppa is calling me i answered the phone.

On the phone

"Hello oppa why did you call do you need something"i said.

"Hey sooyah sorry for distubing you but can you come here ar the hospital"he said and i was in total shock

"Wae what happened"i asked,and he told me everything.

As the call ended i called lisa and rosè and we decided to go at the same time as we saw namjoon oppa i asked him where is she and he said that they need to examine her first.

Namjoon's POV

Time passed by and doctor from jennie's room came out we came to him immediately.

"Are you the guardian" he asked.

"Im his brother how's my siter doc"i asked him

"Im sorry mr. Kim but jennie has a brain tumor and its really massive cause it affects the half of her brain im sorry to tell you but she only have 9 days to live im sorry again and she can be discharged by tomorrow"
hearing that makes my world's stop and i just found my self crying because jennie is my one and only family as our parents died a long time ago that's why i was so down hearing the doctor's word.

Jisoo's POV

Hearing what the doctor's says made me really heartbroken because jennie is the sweetest among us and suddenly she's just gonna have 8 days to live i just feel my tears fell down on my cheeks.

Rosè's POV

As i heard what the doctor's said i feel my heart like some sharp knife stabbing it,it hurt me so much tha i just hug lisa who is crying too it hurt me seing jennie unnie being in that case she looks so weak and it hurts me.

Lisa's POV

As i heard the doctor i burst out into tears and rosè hugged me we all are crying because of what just the doctor told us earlier and i was feeling like something just hit my heart because among jisoo unnie rosè unnie jennie unnie is the one that loved the most cause she is caring,sweet,and always there when jisoo unnie is scolding me that's why.

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