CHAPTER 7:jennie's wish

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Taehyung's POV

When i heard what jisoo said i froze and shocked how can she not tell me about it.

"Taehyung where are you let's go im ready"jennie shouted that make me back into my sense.

"Oh your here what are you talking about unnie?"she asked jisoo.

"Nothing i just told him to take care of you"she replied to her.

"Oh okay unnie lets go tae"she said and faced me.

"Let's go"i said and show her a fake smile.

We headed to the car and i opened the door for her.

"Thanks"she said and smiled at me.

While im driving im thinking about what jisoo said should i ask her.....i think no she might not want to tell me maybe she's thinking that i don't care..... arghh im so confused should i continue confessing to her or not.

Jennie's POV

Jennie's outfit

While taehyung is driving i noticed he is in deep thought should i asked him why i think so.

"Tae are you ok what's bothering you?" I asked.

"H-huh no n-nothing"he said.

"Okay just tell me if something is bothering you dont hesitate to tell me"i said and i smiled at him and he smiled at me too.

Taehyung's POV

When we arrived i think i should asked her about her condition.

"Jen can i ask you something?" I asked.

"Sure what is it?"she asked.

"About your condition"i said and i know she was shocked when i said it.

"Wha-what is a-about m-my c-condition?"she asked.

Jennie's POV

When he said that im so shocked does he know about my brain tumor......should i tell him.

"I know you have secret jen please answer me honestly do you have brain tumor?"he asked that made me really shocked he knows.

I lowered my head and he pull up my chin.

"Jen i won't be mad just tell me the truth"he said and i decided to tell him the truth.

"Actually taehyung yes i have brain tumor and--"

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