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Jennie's POV

"Is that taehyung?"namjoon oppa asked me that make me jump me in shocked.

"O-oppa you scared me"i said.

"Is that taehyung"he asked again.

"Yes oppa"i said while blushing.

"Why are you with him?"he asked while making a strict face.

"Oppa im gonna tell you something please dont be angry at me"i said.

"Okay what is it?"he asked while we sit in couch.

"Oppa you know taehyung is my crush since elementary till now right"i said.

"Hmmm"he replied.

"So i decided to talk to him that he's going to be my boyfriend for 7 days and after that i will not bother him anymore and he agreed"i explained.

Namjoon's POV

Hearing my little sister made me feel like someone just stabbed me in my heart,i thought if im given a chance i would wish i just have that pain of her's.

I cant see her being hurt so i just agreed if it will make her happy.

"Okay but please dont tire yourself too much ok if that what makes you happy i'll support you"i said and kissed her forehead.

"Thanks oppa"she said and i just smiled at her.

"Btw did you eat already"i asked.

"Yes oppa tae treat"she said and ran to her room.

"Okay good night princess"i said.

"Good night oppa"she replied and i proceed to my room and sleep.

Jennie's POV

I was shocked when oppa agreed i didn't expect it to him because he is strict ever since our parents died.

I was about to sleep when someone message me.

Hi jen are you sleeping already?

                   Not yet i was just about to how about you


                              So see you tomorrow

Ok good night jen
                                                  Good night

After that i watch some episodes of kdramas and sleep.


Taehyung's POV

I drove off to jennie's house to pick her up cuz we're going out to go to the park,but i call her first.

On the phone

"Hello jen im going to your house now  get ready."i said.

"Okay tae i'll wait for you"she replied.

"Bye see you"i said and end the call

Jennie's POV

When taehyung called i rushed to take a bath and pick my outfit.

Jennie's outfit

Taehyung's outfit

When im done i go downstairs to wait for taehyung.

Namjoon's POV

As i was watching tv in living room when i saw jennie looking so happy.

"Where do you think your going"i asked her.

"Namjoon oppa taehyung invited me to go to the park today"she said and i nodded.

"Okay but dont come home late and make sure you don't tire yourself too much okay?"i said and the doorbell rang.

"Im going oppa bye"she said and hugged me.

"Bye"i said

Jennie's POV

As me and namjoon oppa is talking we heard the doorbell rang and i bid my good bye to him and proceed to go outside and i saw taehyung he's really handsome.

Taehyung's POV

As i rang the doorbell the gate opened revealing  jennie she looks so pretty and hot in that outfit,that make me satare at her.I came back to my sense when i heard her calling me many times.

"Taehyung are you ok are you sick?"she asked.

"Oh N-no i-im o-okay"i replied while stuttering."lets go" i continue.

Jennie's POV

After our conversation taehyung opened his door car for me and he drives.

While in tae is driving i noticed he is stealing a glance at me that made me blused so hard and after a long drive we finally arrived at the park.

"Let's go"he said and we get out of the car and we played.

"Let's ride the ferris wheel"i said l.

"Sure"he replied and buy tickets.

After riding the ferris wheel we decided to eat some street foods.

"What do you want"he asked me.

Taehyung's POV

When we're done riding the ferris wheel we decided to go to the vendors  of street foods and i asked her.

"What do you want"i asked her.

"I want some tteokbokki and rice cake  please"she said and she's so cute and i don't know why im feeling this am i starting to like her,no i think its just because im comfortable with her cuz she is always following me and i just ordered our food and when i looked at the time its already 6:00 in the evening and i decided to dropped her of to her house.

Jennie's POV

Taehyung drop me off to our house and im so happy because he agreed i never thought of this feeling i love this feeling i never regretted begging him to be my boyfriend even if its just 1 week but im thinking if i didn't have brain tumor would i ever have this feeling right now i wish he would not fall for me cuz when i left him i will just break his heart.

Taehyung's POV

While im driving i noticed that jen is sleeping peacefully she is so cute like an angel and when we're already here i wake her up.

"Hey jen we're here"i said and i think she is in a deep sleep so i decided to pick her up in bridal style.

Namjoon's POV

When im was watching someone rang the doorbell i thought its jen so i open the gate im surprised to see taehyung carrying jen.

"Oh hi hyung jennie fell asleep while im driving so i decided to just carry her where is her room?"he asked.

"There"i pointed at her room and he proceed there and drop jennie in her bed.

"Taehyung can we talk?"i asked him.

"Sure hyung what is it?"he asked and i dragged him to the balcony.

"Its all about jennie my sister"i said

"What all about jen hyung----"


What do you think namjoon will tell taehyung is he gonna tell about her brain tumor and only have 7 days to live?

Anyway that's all for today💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚

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