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In hospital

Jennie's POV

I woke up when i feel someone si holding my hand beside me i saw lisa sleeping peacefully,when suddenly she woke up.

"Unnie ur awake do you want me to call the doctor"she asked.

"No im fine why are you here you have class right"i asked her.

"Actually unnie i decided to skip class to take care of you cuz namjoon oppa is taking his final exam"she explained.

"Thanks for being here lisa"i said.

"No worries unnie just tell me if you need something"she said while smiling.


Jennie's POV

I was waiting for namjoon oppa to come when he walk in to my room with teary eyes and i know why.

"Oppa are we gonna go home now-"i got cut off by him hugging me and burst out into tears as i hugged him back.

"It's gonna be okay oppa"i said while  patting his back.

After some time he stop crying and we decided to go home.

"Oppa lets go"i said and he nodded.

While in the car i was staring outside the window i didn't notice that my tears fell down on my cheeks thinking how would oppa live without me and he noticed me so he pats my back to calm me while he's driving.

Namjoon's POV

I noticed jennie is crying silently so i decided to patt her back to calm her down while im driving i know that she is worrying about me and i decided to be strong for her cause i dont want her to worry about it and i want her to enjoy her life before she leave's me forever.

As we arrived at home i told her to rest and i'll cook our dinner.

Jennie's POV

As we arrived oppa told me to rest and he'll  cook for the both of us i nodded and go to my room to change my clothes.After i changed i decided to go downstairs to see oppa cooking ramyeon.

After we eat we decided to go to our room and sleep.

"Good night oppa"i said.

"Good night my princess"he said and i showed my gummy smile.I did my night routine before drifting to sleep.


Jennie's POV

Its 5:30 in the morning and namjoon oppa is not awake yet so i decided to cook for our breakfast to return the favor because since our parents died he's the one who always cook and taking care of me and to thank him i will take care of him this time as i was  leaving him after 1 week.

As i was cooking i heard someone walking behind and i know it was him i already prepared and i already took a bath.

"Let's eat" i said and he nodded and we eat after that i waited for him to get ready and after that we drove off to our university.

Namjoon's POV

As i wake up i heard someone cooking  and i was shocked to see jennie cooking our breakfast and after that we eat and she waited for me to get ready and we drove off to our university.

Jennie's POV

As i walked into the main hall i saw taehyung and greet him.

"Good morning taehyung let's go to class together"i said while showing my gummy smile.

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