Chapter 44

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               (Narrator: Audrey Drew)

I was sitting down on Allison's bar dinning table eating Alfredo pasta and some coke. I was calmly eating my food when I saw Alice walking by while eating vanilla ice cream,But I realized it wasn't...actually her. I saw a very young woman with short black hair till neck. She wasn't pale but she was white and with pink cheeks and bloody red lips with a blue dress and a red headband.

I was very confused because, What if that's how Alice used to look back then when she was Susie??.

"Alice...?" I said rubbing my eyes.

"Hm? Yes? *eats ice cream*"

I rubbed my eyes and sad Alice once again looking at me very confused waiting for me to answer her.

"N-Never mind- I was a bit dozed up I thought you we're someone else" I said.

"Okay weirdo- *smirks*" she said.

I was confused and out of loop because I swore I saw Susie when Alice walked in, I was lost and very confused at the time.

The heartbreaking part is that she looked VERY young. I think she wasn't even 30 years old.

I turned around and saw her eating her ice cream calmly. "Should I tell her-?" I said on my mind. "No, I can't. I don't want to worry her, she looks so calm".

Audrey: Alice...?

Alice: Yeah?? *cleans lip stained with ice cream with tongue*

Audrey: You don't mind if I talk with you???

Alice: No??? What's up with you today silly???

Audrey: I-It's just- *sigh* the thing is that when you walked by in the kitchen I saw you but it wasn'

Alice literally looked at me very confused at that point. I know, I sounded like a lunatic saying that. I didn't know what other way to explain her.

"What do you mean it wasn't me-" she said.

"Soo...I have this strange power...that I can see all of you for a few minutes, but not as you guys, I mean as humans..." I said.

She literally looked at me in shock, I saw how stunned she was by the way I told her. I was starting to regret everything.

"So, Let me get me straight... YOU SAW MY HUMAN FORM?" She said.

"Sort off-" I said.


"ALICE- CALM DOWN- How you don't know how you look? It's clearly you...?" I said.

"We'll...uh...I forgot the way I looked like as a human kind of. It's been years...I only remember my real name. I'm so used to seeing my self like this I clearly forgot how I looked like." She said.

"I'm sorry..." I said while looking away.

"What I know is I saw you, Alice you looked very beautiful seriously..." I said.

"Do you think I would see my self again as a human Audrey...?" She said.

"I don't know...Alice...I don't know..." I said.

I hugged her tightly, I felt horrible for being afraid from her in the past. I felt horrible seriously. She's so...traumatized for everything and I made her feel like I was afraid of her because of her face.

"Let's go with Allison, she'll make you feel better."I said.

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