Chapter 6 | Age 34

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I was six when one of my friend's dad brought me with them to the circus. I was most entertained by the joker. I was howling the loudest with laughter. Now, at 35, I do not need a circus, my life has become one and I certainly do not wish to go see a joker - maybe a therapist but joker? No. Because I resemble one, my red runny nose perfecting the look. I can stare into the mirror and cackle at myself, trying to crack a joke.

I zoom into the bathroom mirror and make an effort. It goes in vain as I find no laughter on my face. All I see is a puffy face staring back at me, carrying in its eyes a sadness speaking of loss. A shuddery breath leaves my lips. I stumble towards my slippers, knowing what could ease the pain in my heart.

"Candy! I need candy," I mumble like a mad woman to myself.

After five minutes, I am standing in Death's hallway. Yes, they showed me around each hole and hall of hell, persistent that they have duties and I will continue to visit them. That was death number ten. Dejectedly, I walk forward, take a few lefts, a few rights, open a few doors - to pry - and eventually, I knock at Death's door.

The door opens briefly before it is thrown shut in my face. I hear Death's exaggerated groan followed by them opening the door with a sarcastic smile on their hood-covered face.

"Welcome, Leif. You have surpassed the point of any formalities like knocking. I won't say 'feel at home.' This is your home. Maybe I should move out," Death taunts.

Not in the mood to humor them, I go to the single cushioned chair - thank Death - in the room and sit on it with my feet propped up. "Shove off," I spit and hide my face between my face.





"I will play on the screen each of your embarrassing deaths till day if you keep ignoring me."

"You are so annoying," I wail without showing them my face. Such a pathetic play of emotions on my end, but what have I got to lose? Death must already see me as a case of ball and chain. "I am so tired of dying." A minute passes before Death's response comes in the form of a loud laugh. The sound echoes around the room. I gape at them. "Why are you laughing like you have just now heard the funniest thing in your entire existence?"

"Because I have just now heard the funniest thing in my entire existence."

"Death, please."

"What? You are the first person to ever say they are tired of dying, not living."

"Just send me back."

Despite not having seen how Death looks, I am very sure they have a resting bitch face but after spending so much time with them, I have come to read the slightest changes in their body language. The barely noticeable back-and-forth movement of their cloak gives them away. Maybe the movement is the fluttering of their eyelashes. There is a high possibility they are searching my face for any clue as to why I am upset. Yes, they were aware of my sullen mood. Unfortunately, the time with them gave them an equal opportunity to know me as well.

"Did you get mauled by an army of sloths or did you sneeze so hard that your life exited through your nose? What did you do this time?"

"I didn't do anything and that is the issue."

"Okaaay. And"

I cannot help but shake my head fondly. "You are such a gossipmonger. Want to sip on tea while we knit together?"


"Okay. Alright. My partner wanted us to go on an adventurous trip," Death's eyes bulge, "where we would have played multiple sports in the sky, in the water, and on the land." The dark orbs continue to widen as I count the three elements of nature. To settle their worried mind, I finish in one breath - "ButISaidNo."

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