Chapter 2 | Age 21

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There is no going back now—the cart is gone and I am trapped on a platform suspended by thick cables over a hundred meters in the air. The only way out is down. My heart hammers in my chest and my mouth dries as I peek down over the railing at the trees and lake in the valley below.

Why did I insist we go bungee jumping for my 21st birthday again? It seemed fun at the time, but now all I wanted was to be home curled up on the couch with a good book. Or just have my feet planted firmly on the ground. Both were good.

A sudden push against my back makes me yelp and claw at the railing to catch myself. I look over my shoulder into Jacob's sparkling eyes and jokingly scowl. "Jacob, you asshole!"

Jacob just laughs, and so do my other friends, Diana and Kai. The two staff members guiding the bungee jumping on the other hand don't even try to hide their annoyance anymore. They'd told Jacob to not push people twice already, but I didn't see the harm in his prank. We were all safely strapped into harnesses and there were railings; nobody could fall. Well, aside from the actual bungee jumping, of course.

The eldest of the two staff members, a tall man with a mustache, a deep frown, and a name tag that reads 'Tom' reminds me of my dad. He always frowned at me like that whenever he didn't agree with something I did, which was often. Whenever I stepped a single toe out of line from the path he wanted me to be on.

It makes me want to join Jacob pushing people just to annoy him. The stand-in for my father. No—I shouldn't be thinking about that man at all. I was far away from him now. As far as I could get with all my savings and a scholarship from a university on the other side of the country. I wouldn't go see my parents any time soon. They'd freak out over my freedom tattoo. I brush my fingers to the Grim Reaper riding a pink unicorn on my upper arm.

If my father saw the tattoo, I imagine he'd look at me the same way Tom the bungee jump man looks at me now. With a smirk, Jacob pushes Diana. They both giggle.

"Hey, knock it off," blurts out of my mouth in reflex. If I caused trouble at home, I wouldn't hear the end of it for weeks. As an only child, I always had my parents' full attention. Unfortunately.

Jacob raises a brow at me. "Yes, Mom," he jokes sarcastically.

My jaw clenches. I only tried to ensure Tom and the other woman didn't send us away.

Shit, I should have let Jacob and Diana mess this up. I could have been on my way down without having to jump. Without looking boring.

Jacob, Diana, and Kai think I'm boring, don't they? Jacob is right: only a neurotic mom running after their snotty kid would whine like I just did.

The bungee jump woman, Cheryl according to her name tag, clears her throat.

"Alright, we're all set. Which one of you is jumping first?" she asks.

I raise my hand immediately. "Me," I pipe up.

Cheryl locks eyes with me. I can tell from her expression she sees straight through me and knows I'm terrified but have something to prove. Thankfully, she doesn't comment.

I enjoy the encouraging whoops and clapping from my friends as Cheryl and Tom strap me in tight and guide me to the edge of the platform. My legs tremble, but I can't hesitate. All eyes are on me.

I walk to the edge. I close my eyes. And I jump.

The voices of my friends fade. Wind rushes in my ears as the trees and lake rapidly come closer. There is a loud snap. I blink my eyes as I realize the approaching trees and the wind in my hair are gone.

I'm standing in a white room. I don't see a door, nor anyone else in the room with me. But the moment I turn again, there is someone dressed in all black standing in front of me. They're tall, and their face is entirely obscured by a large, black hood. In their hands, they hold a notebook and a pen. I watch the hooded figure scribble for a few moments before clearing my throat.

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