The Classification

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Hello again! This is my newest book and I'm really excited to be publishing it. I will be updating every week on Saturdays. Sometimes I might not be able to, but I am going to work my hardest to write as many chapters before I get too busy. Thank you for reading

Harry's POV

I don't understand why we have to get classified. It's so stupid. I mean come on. Who wants to know if they're a Dom or Sub? Who wants to know if they are a Neutral? Who wants to know if they are a Caregiver or Little? Certainly not me.

Yet, here I was. Walking to the Great Hall, all by myself, to get tested. Almost everyone was Neutral, Ron, and Hermione were. Only Seamus Finnigan and Blaise Zabini were Doms. Dean Thomas was Seamus' Sub and Theodore Nott was Blaise's. Neville was classified as a caregiver and his little was Hannah Abbott. Malfoy was classified a little and was sent home. I hope I am a Dom.

I was the last one to get classified. I was brought into a room and sat in a chair. Snape handed me a potion and instructed me to drink it. I did and after waiting a soft blue light glowed around me. A piece of parchment appears from thin air and Snape grabs it. "Harry, you are a little, around a newborn's age to 12 months," Snape says slowly. "We are going to get you changed and then find your guardian." Tears started to fall my face, I couldn't be a little.

Snape helped me up and brought me over to a changing table. He laid me down and took off my shirt. I shivered as the cold air hit me. He went to remove my pants but was stopped. Someone had burst through the door. "Sev, something weird happened," a voice said. "What is it, Luc?" He asked. Before they could respond a bright light filled the room.

After it disappeared I could see who was in the room. It was none other than Lucius Malfoy. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "Harry, this might be hard to understand but that light just claimed us as your guardians," Snape explained. "Oh, hell no!" I yelled and attempted to get up. Snape pushed me back down and this time clipped me in.

"Let me go!" I cried. Severus gave me a small smile and shook his head. I screamed and sobbed until another person opened the door. "What on Earth is going on?" McGonagall asked. "Sev and I were claimed as Harry's new Caregivers but he doesn't like that, might we take him home?" Senior Malfoy asks. McGonagall gives her permission and I am taken off the table.

We walk to the edge of Hogwarts and Snape holds me tight. I feel like I am being squeezed in a tube and I can't breathe. Finally after hours of being in the tube, more like 30 seconds, we end up at a huge house. This must be where the Malfoys live.

Snape carries me through the front door and into a living room. He gives some orders to some elves then turns his attention to me and Senior Malfoy. "Why don't you go get Draco and I get this little one changed," Snape suggests. "I'm not a little one, I am fifteen for fucks sake," I state. "And after he's changed we will give him the rules," Senior Malfoy said. He walks off, leaving me with Snape.

An elf pops up, scaring me. I let out a surprised squeak and held onto Snape. "Dippy gets all the supplies Master needed. They's in the living room," the elf said. "Thank you," Snape said and dismissed the elf. He carried me to what I assume is the living room. He pulls out a mattress-looking thing and lays me on it. I try to get up but he kept a firm hand on my stomach. "Please, I need to use the bathroom," I beg.

He sighs and lifts me up, carrying me to a bathroom. He summons something and a small toilet appears. He sets me on it and says, "There you go." I blush and ask, "There's a regular toilet right there. Can I use it?" He shakes his head and presses on my stomach. It surprises me and I lose control. Finally, I finish and Snape smiles, "All done?" I blush and nod. He lifts me up and brings me back out to the living room.

He lays me back down on the mattress and lifts my legs before sliding something padded underneath me. "There really isn't a need for this," I say, pushing his hands away. He ignores my comment and sprinkles powder on me before tapping the diaper up. He lifts me back up and says, "I think it's someone's naptime."

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