The End

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Lucius' POV

"Thank you for watching the boys!" I say. We were about to leave England to start our new lives in America. Both boys were still asleep. It'd be easier to get them in the Floo that way. Severus had already shrunk all our luggage and was holding Harry.

I quickly hugged Bella and Tom before preparing to step into the fireplace. I made sure Draco's face was covered completely before I was swallowed whole by the green flames. When I reappeared I was in our new living room.

I quickly dusted myself and Draco off before heading to his room so he could finish his nap. When Severus came in I took the luggage from him so he could put Harry down. I quickly unpacked our stuff and then walked into the living room.

Severus was already sitting on the couch with a mug. There was another one for me sitting on the table. "Come on babe, we can watch some TV," Sev says, motioning for me to sit down. I think as I'm sitting down, "We're finally out of danger. Our family is complete, we're safe and the boys are happy." I snuggle up to Severus, happy that I finally had everything I ever needed in life.

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed. I really enjoyed writing this and I can't wait to publish another book. I still need an opinion on what book should come out next.

Better Together- Years ago Vampires and Werewolves rose from the shadows and overtook the human race. They lived lavish lifestyles, big houses, nice neighborhoods, everything. Vampires and Werewolves kidnapped humans left and right. There were even "adoption centers" where captured humans would go and wait to be bought, whether it was as a sex slave, a meal, or an age-play baby. Sometimes, humans were kidnapped right off the streets, never to be seen again.

Meet Everest, who had a pretty normal life, despite the fact that his mom was a drug addict and his dad had left. Everest still loved his mom and was happy with his life. He was a sophomore in high school before he was forced to drop out. All his dreams of going to NYU were crushed. He spent his days scavenging for food and money.What happens when two mysterious men kidnap him? What happens when he is ripped away from his mother? What will happen to Everest?


Camp Burn- Meet Noah Silva and Aiden. Aiden on the other hand had black straight hair and deep blue eyes. They have been best friends since 7th grade. They were practically inseparable.

Both had just started college at Michigan State. Aiden and Noah were roommates their first year and had got a house for their second year. Aiden didn't struggle in making friends but Noah was a different story. He usually just hung out with Aiden's friends, even if he didn't like them.James, Lucas, and Ethan were part of Aiden's friend group. These boys were the ones that Noah had a deep mistrust of. Always making fun of him for being gay and calling him slurs. He still hung out with them because Aiden always begged him.Aiden wasn't a huge fan of James, Lucas, and Ethan either. He only hung out with them because they helped him get a job and pay his half of the rent. He was excited to go to Camp Meadow. He even talked Noah into going. All they had to do was give the correct amount of cash to James and he would book a spot for them both. What could go wrong?What happens when all five boys are getting ready to go to a camp? What happens when plans don't always go as planned? Will Noah learn to trust these boys? Will things go south and will Aiden also lose his trust in his so-called friends?

Which one should I publish? I would love to hear from you guys.
-Zoe Nightshade

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