Unplanned Nap Excursion

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Draco's POV

I can't believe it! I have a new baby brother! Even if it was Harry Potter, my sworn enemy, I was still happy. I could finally have someone to play with and get into trouble with. It was going to be awesome! When Papa and Daddy told me I was a little unsure but now I could be an older brother. I always wanted a sibling anyways.

So far, Harry has been boring. All he's done so far is eat and sleep, just like a baby. He couldn't be a baby! He was supposed to play with me. Right now I was playing alone in my room. I knew Daddy and Papa had put Harry in his bedroom so I decided to go visit him.

When I walked into his room he wasn't awake and I was bored. I walked over to the swing and decided at that moment I would wake him up. I unbuckled the straps and shook him awake. His eyes popped open and his eyes darted around. Finally, he noticed me and smiled. "Dada," he cried. I was confused, why was I called Dada? "No Harry, it's me, Draco. I'm your new brother," I explained. I picked him up and carried him downstairs.

I checked to make sure no adults were looking and then brought Harry over to the back door. I made sure we both had on a pair of my shoes then I opened the door and stepped out. I carry Harry over to the playset and set him down. "Now we can play," I say excitedly before running off. I head to the slide and go down it. Then I help Harry up and he goes down it. I help him onto the swing next and push him. After he gets tired of that, like everything else, he really was fussy, I tagged him and ran away. He ran after me.

Not 30 seconds after our game of tag started Harry tripped and fell. He wailed and started to cry. I panicked and picked him up, bringing him over to the swings. I set him on it and push him. "Dada, stop," he wails at the top of his lungs. I picked him up and pushed him down the slide. Close to the end he fell off and cried harder.

"Shh, you have to be quiet," I say. "I want inside," he cries. I shake my head and bring him over to the swings. I set him on it and push him. He doesn't have a good grip and falls off. "Want inside!" he screams. "Stop yelling!" I scream back. He cries louder and I clamp my hand on his mouth. He bites me and I let go. "You little ass," I say. I slap him across the face and run inside.

"Severus, I can't find Harry," I hear Daddy call. "No, is he not in his swing?" Papa asks. He walks into my room, checking on me. "How you doing Dragon?" he asked. "Good," I say. "Have you seen your brother?" He asked. "Yeah, he went outside," I reply. He doesn't wait for anything else. He runs out and I laugh.

Severus' POV

As soon as Draco mentions Harry was outside I ran. I raced down the stairs and out the door. Lo and behold, there was Harry, right by the swing, crying his eyes out. It had rained earlier and now he was muddy. I ran over to him and picked him up.

"What happened?" I asked. "Dada wake me up and bring me outside. He play with me then I trip and he push me down the slide. I falls off and he pushes me on the swing. I's fall off there too then he slap me and run," he finished with a wail. Lucius was with me the whole time so he must mean Draco.

I carry him back inside and head up to his new room. It was now completely finished, all we needed were clothes, toys, and a few more supplies. We were going to take a weekend trip to Diagon Alley this weekend. I get him out of his muddy clothes and messed diaper. I change him into more comfortable clothes and rock him to sleep. After I set him in his crib I go to deal with Draco.

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