Grandpa Tom and Auntie Bella

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Severus' POV

A few days later Draco was all better. Harry hadn't gotten sick either, which was good. We were almost ready to go to Tom's. Lucius was working on packing up a few more things. I was in charge of both boys. They were currently watching Bluey on the TV.

"Sev!" Lucius yells. "Get the boys ready, it's time to go." I pick up Draco first, making sure he has his shoes on. "Papa, can't see," he whines. "Baby, we're gonna go see Grandpa Tom," I inform him. He immediately stops pouting. "Grandpa Tom!" he squeals. I chuckle and ruffle his hair.

Once Draco was ready, I went to get Harry ready. I picked him up off the floor and brought him to his room. I lay him on the changing table and change his diaper. I also put on his shoes. "Pa," he gurgles. I tickle his stomach before picking him up. "It's time to go, little dude," I tell him.

I meet Lucius down at the fireplace. Draco was already in his arms, bouncing up and down. "Draco, baby, please stop," Lucius tells him. He stops bouncing, still looking excited. Lucius threw some Floo Powder into the fireplace and the green flames came to life. He covered Draco's eyes and stepped in.

When it was my turn, Harry began to try and get out of my grasp. "Baby, what's wrong?" I ask. "Scawy," he whimpers. "It's okay, Papa's got you," I reassure him. "No," Harry cries, dragging out the o. I throw the Floo Powder in, tuck Harry's head in my neck, make sure his face is covered, and then step into the fire.

We flooed into Tom's mansion. Bellatrix had already gotten Lucius and Draco settled. "Tom's in his study, Lucius is already in your guys' room," Bella informs me. I thank her before heading upstairs. Lucius had started unpacking and Draco was sitting on the bed.

"Tired," Harry whined. "I know baby, I know," I coo while bouncing him. "The boys' cribs are in the other room if you want to put him down," Lucius tells me. "I will but he needs to eat first," I say. Harry began to squirm in my arms. "Baby, it's okay. We're gonna go get some nummies," I coo, running my hands through his hair. "Tired," he whines again.

I head downstairs to the kitchen. "Can I get you anything Sev?" Bella asked. "What kind of baby food do you have?" I reply. She proceeded to pull out quite a few bottles of baby food, ranging from mushed carrots to mushed peaches. Harry chose the mashed sweet potatoes. "There's a highchair in the dining room," Bella informs me.

I head straight to the dining room. "Papa, tired," Harry cries. "We just have to eat," I say. I set him in the highchair, much to his dislike. "Baby, it's okay," I reassure. "Want out," he cries. I bring the spoon up to his mouth. "Good boy," I praise when he eats it. I can feed him most of the bottle before he begins to turn his head away.

I try my best to quickly wipe his face, but he continuously turns his head away. When I finally deem him clean enough I lift him from the highchair and carry him to the kitchen. "Do you want a bottle?" I ask him. He nods his head excitedly. This was good because I was gonna put some laxatives in it, he hadn't pooped in about 2 days. I quickly fix his bottle and carry him up to the bedroom.

I sat in the rocking chair in the corner of the room. Harry was soon cradled across my lap, waiting for his bottle. I brought it to his mouth and he latched onto the nipple. I rubbed his back while he drank. With every suck his eyes fell just a little more closed. Soon he was fully asleep. I laid him in the crib, ensured he was covered, and shut the door.

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