Cranky Baby

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Lucius' POV

I stopped Severus as he was coming out of Harry's room. "Did you find him?" I asked. "Yes, now if you will excuse me, our oldest son has a bit of explaining to do," he said. I follow Sev to Draco's bedroom and step in with him.

"Dragon," Sev says. "We found your brother." "Oh yay," he says unenthusiastically. "Funny story, actually," Severus begins. "I found him outside, crying. He was muddy and said that Dada woke him up early from his nap and brought him outside. He fell multiple times and after he wouldn't stop crying. He also said that this Dada person hit him across the face and then ran away." I gasped in surprise. "I don't know what you're talking about," Draco answers. "Lucius was with me the whole time and when I checked on you, it appeared you had run off somewhere." Sev states.

Draco gets tears in his eyes and says, "I just want playtime with my b-brother. I take him outside but he cry and not stop." Now, he was full-on crying. Severus walked over to him and picked him up. He sat in Dray's rocking chair and said, "I think 15 spankings, 10-minute time out and a naptime is in order." "No, Papa I'm sorry. Please no," Dragon cried.

Draco was over Severus' lap with no pants or pull-up. 15 smacks later and Draco was standing in the corner, his bottom on display for all to see. "Go check on Harry," suggests Sev. I nodded my head and left him to deal with Draco.

I walked into Harry's room and saw him sleeping peacefully. I gave a small smile and walked over to his crib. I didn't want him to take too long of a nap or else he would never sleep tonight. I gently picked him up and checked his diaper. It was wet so, while he was still sleeping, I set him on the changing table. I clipped him in and undid his onesie. I lifted it up and untaped his diaper. I wiped off all the urine and slipped the diaper from under him.

He woke up right before I slipped a fresh nappy under him. He watched in interest as I slipped it under him. I realized that we ran out of baby powder. "Hoppy," I called. "Get me a new bottle of baby powder please." Harry started to whine. "I know, I know," I say to him. He kicks his legs and whimpers some more. The elf returns with the baby powder and I continue.

It's hard to tape a diaper when the little one is moving around. "Wan' down," Harry whined. I pressed my hand to his stomach to keep him still. The unshed tears in his eyes finally fell but at least he kept still. I finished changing him and lifted him up. He pushed away from me and I sighed. Thanks to Draco now he was cranky.

I carried Harry down to the living room and set him in a baby swing that was hanging from the ceiling. I shortened the ropes and pushed him a bit. Once I stopped he whimpered and reached his arms up for me. "Come on Harry, why don't you try yourself," I encourage. Unfallen tears finally fell and now he was crying, again.

I sighed and continued to bounce him in the swing. He wouldn't stop crying but also wouldn't let me pick him up. "Harry, are you hungry?" I asked. "Go way," He wailed loudly. I eased a binky into his mouth and let him suck on it. I went to pick him up again but he wouldn't let me. I sighed and went to find Severus, maybe he would have more luck than I did.

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