Giggles and Laughs

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Severus' POV

I love that the boys are able to play and get along. Both of them are troublemakers but with Harry having a littler headspace it keeps Draco under control. The only problem is Draco really wants to have somebody to play with. Lucius came up with an idea to fix that.

As Lucius and I lay cuddling on the couch Draco was quietly playing with his cars and Harry was playing with some building blocks. Harry was building the blocks up as high as he could and then knocking them down. It caused a lot of giggles from him. Draco was making car noises as he moved the cars around.

Both boys were so content playing that it would be hard to take them away from the toys. Harry made it a little easier on us. He screwed up his face in a look of concentration then relaxed after a minute. He glanced at us but went back to playing. "Harry, did you use your diaper?" Luc asks. He shakes his head and turns back to his block.

"He'll learn eventually," I mumble to Luc. I go back to reading the Daily Prophet. "Daddy, I needs potty," Draco informs us. Luc gets up to help him and I'm left with Harry. "Hare Bear, come here," I say. He crawls over to me and tries to get on the couch. He can't manage so he just plops down on the ground, looking up at me. He shifts on his butt and a look of discomfort passes across his face. He shifts some more and I pick him up, it's less of a mess for me.

"Pa, toys," he says, pointing towards the blocks. "Hold on Bubba, we gotta change you first," I coo. "No, toys!" he insists. "I'll be fast," I say. He starts bouncing in my arms, trying to get down. "TOYS!" he yells. "Harry Snape," I say. "Stop it this instant." He sticks his lip out but stops bouncing.

I carry him up to his nursery. "No," he whines. I pat his back but he starts squirming. I set him on the changing table and strap him, so he can't fall. I take off his pants and unclip his onesie. I then untape his diaper, much to his protest. He puts his hands on his crotch, getting his waste all over his hands. "Harry," I sigh.

I lift his hands away and quickly wipe them with a wipe before doing it again. I hold his legs and arms above his head with one hand while my other works on cleaning his mess. He struggles to get out of my grip. I finish cleaning him and lift him to slip a clean diaper under him. I powder him and then tape it up. I just button his onesie but leave his pants off.

"Papa, pants," Harry asked. "Not right now," I tell him. I take him off the changing table and carry him downstairs. Lucius and Draco are already in the dining room. The house elves made a quick dinner of hotdogs and mac n' cheese. Draco already had a plate and Lucius was getting Harry's plate ready. I set Harry in his highchair and sat next to him.

Harry was given a bowl of mac n' cheese. He dismissed the spoon and started shoving it in his mouth with his hands. Lucius also gave him a few small pieces of hotdog. He was just shoving everything into his mouth. Draco was at least using a spoon, even though he spilled most of it.

After I finished I waited patiently, making small talk with Luc. When everyone was done I brought the dishes to the sink for the house elves. Both boys were a cheesy mess and Lucius was struggling to wipe them down. I took Draco off his hands.

I brought him up to the bathroom where a house elf had already started the bath. When it was full enough I turned off the water and got Draco undressed. He was set in the warm, bubbly water. He started playing with the toys and bubbles, giggling and having a great time. 20 minutes later, he's out and dried.

Lucius comes in after me to give Harry a bath. I smile at him and carry the butt-naked Draco to his room. Draco is soon put in a nighttime diaper and onesie. He was already falling asleep so I summoned a sippy cup and gave it to him. I set him on his bed and make sure he is tucked in before grabbing the story, "Where the Wild Things Are." I make it halfway through before Draco is asleep.

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