Sweet Dragon

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Lucius' POV

Draco had come down with the flu. He was so clingy and tired. I felt bad for him. The only thing we could do was make him comfortable and keep Harry away from him, we didn't want him getting sick too. Draco hated being sick. This was going to be hard.

Draco did not sleep for very long. He was up at the crack of dawn, crying his heart out. Severus got up to get him. I luckily got to sleep in. That was until Harry decided to wake up too. I groaned but got out of bed to get him.

I brought him downstairs and set him in a portable crib so I could make breakfast. He sat in it, looking at me in wonder. I made eggs, toast, and bacon for Severus, Dragon, and I. For Harry, I grabbed a jar of baby food. I plated the breakfast and brought it out to the table. Severus was already there, cradling Draco.

I gave Severus his and Draco's plates. I sat my plate down and went back for Harry and his food. Harry went in his highchair next to me. I opened the baby food and fed him in between bites of my food. Draco was only able to stomach so toast before he turned his head away.

Today I was in charge of Draco and Severus was in charge of Harry. I think Sev was planning to take Harry outside on a hike or something. Draco would just sleep and watch TV for the day probably. It'd be an easy day.

After breakfast, Sev whisked Harry away. Draco was nodding off in his high chair, some drool dribbling onto his shirt. I smiled and carefully got him out of the highchair, making sure not to wake him. I quickly brought him into his bedroom and got ready to change him. If he woke up now it would all be over.

I grabbed a diaper, not a pull-up this time. With him being sick he wouldn't recognize the need to go before it was too late. I also got a clean, soft onesie to change him into. I made quick work of it. Getting rid of his dirty pull-up and exchanging it for the diaper. The onesie also went on, all without waking him up. After he was changed, he went to his bed, hopefully to take a nap.

Once I was sure he was comfortable I left, going downstairs to do the dishes. I quickly cleared the table from breakfast and did the dishes. I also wiped down the table, stove, and counter. When all that was done I began looking at more baby catalogs. I was hoping to find stuff for both Harry and Draco.

A pop was heard in the room. "Master Lucius, Master Draco has awoken," an elf informed me. I dismissed him and headed back upstairs to get him. When I entered the room I saw that Draco had been crying. I rushed over to him. "What's wrong Dragon?" I ask. "Accident," he sobbed. I picked him up and brought him to the changing table, quickly changing him.

After he was changed I carried him downstairs, where a house elf had left a sippy cup. I gave it to Draco and made him comfortable before I turned on a movie. While he watched the movie I worked on cleaning up the living room. I picked up some of Harry's toys, some shoes, and books. Draco was content with watching the movie so I went to make lunch.

For lunch, I prepared some chicken nuggets. I also got some fruit for Draco's side. For me, I heated leftovers from last night. When everything was done I brought it over to the table and then carried him in, plopping him down in his chair. He immediately dug into his food, barely swallowing before some more was put in. At least he was getting his appetite back.

I quickly brought the dishes to the sink when lunch was finished, before wiping off Draco's face. After he was wiped off I took him out of his chair and carried him upstairs. "Ready for a nap?" I ask him. He shakes his head tiredly. "Why not a nice story instead?" I offer. He nods his head and then rests against me. I quickly change him before picking up a book.

Halfway through Draco was already asleep. His head was resting against my shoulder and his breathing was slow. I stood staring at him for a few minutes before standing up and laying him in his bed. I kissed his forehead and left the room quietly.

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