Chapter 1

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"It's amazing how someone can break your heart and you can still love them with all the little pieces." and because you love them you tend to pick up those little pieces alone even if you ended hurting yourself more". The last sentence that Sound read in the novels that he is currently reading.

He took a deep breath, and pick up his phone, it was his manager asking if he has time to meet up. Sound was wondering if he forgot something on his schedule. But its his free time, he will have a 2 days free time before he would start the new series that he has to make as the main lead.

That is why he is reading right now to practice his emotion and the memorization of line. Also he is looking for an inspiration for his next song. As much as he loves to act, but music is his first love that's why if he would have a free time from acting he would be writing his song too.

Sound answered the phone curiously, Hello P' I am just in my unit, writing a song. Do I have a sudden schedule? sound asked. " uhm, well if you have time  we can meet your love interest for the series. His manager informed me that they are around the corner, since he has an event around here. That way you would know him early, before the workshop started. Sounds manager explains.

Sound thought, it is not a bad idea, that way it would be less awkward comes Monday since they had already meet during the weekend. "Alright P' just send me the time and the location. I'll just see you there then. After the conversation, Sound checks the time and he still has hour and 30 minutes so he decided to prepare his outfit and rest for awhile thinking how his love interest look likes. Also he is hoping that he would be a good partner.

It would be a Boy Love genre, so he is hoping that whoever it is, he would be easy to work with. It would be an important project since its representing LGBTQ. And Sounds wants it to be successful.

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