Chapter 6

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Sound was getting ready for the work shop when receives a message from his manager. " Sound, do good today and don't forget your pills. I know you didn't sleep last night due to your song writing so please. Lets avoid getting sick "Sound smiles, his manager is like his real family. Strict yet he cares for him so much. Sound checks on the things that he needs again before getting his key card and car key then he went outside to starts his journey to the studio. 

Mean while. Win, is already in the studio and is reading the script. He has a serious face and a stoic face. If someone would look at him now, they would surely misjudge him into someone ruthless, his resting face is just like that. But behind of course he has to, today he has to stay away from Sound, or at least act rude when his around that way he will not fall into him that may cause his career to end early and besides no one knows what he really is. Everyone thinks he is straight, even his family. From that thinking Win got sad, thinking how his parents and other people would react when they know he is gay. (while on that state he saw Win like that and immediately Sound knows something is off)He approaches everyone and said good morning, soon went to Win but Win immediately stands up and pretend to get something on his bag. Sound just shrugged it off and thinks maybe the other guy must have a bad day. Sound then went to the acting director and ask for the script so he can familiarize and they can start the workshop class. While studying his script Sound cant help not to look into Wins directions. cause he never really talks to him and its been an hour since he arrived. The later is just so serious and uncomfortable. Sound felt sad about that thought thinking, maybe he is making him uncomfortable, maybe he had already search about him and know something that he didn't like. Sound was so deep the his thought that he did not hear the acting teacher calling. "Sound!" hey! you okay?." oh, yes Phi. sorry about that. I just remember something. what is it again Phi?" "Well we are going to start now, so I need you to be ready okay" "Yes phi."

Win was just in the corner watching everything that happened. He already notice since 30 minutes ago that Sound was looking at him probably wondering what's going on. He was also looking at him when he was lost on his thoughts, and he did not like the frown that appears on Sounds face, and came a sudden realization maybe and follows the sad face of the younger one. Even now, even if he was doing something his face is already dull unlike awhile ago. Soon they are now called, to get to the front and was asked to read some lines. Win is getting excited, at last he would now see Sound Saran works in action. He noticed Sound closed his eyes, and take a deep breathing maybe 5 times and looks at him as if nothing happened. But then Win can still see those sadness behind the determination on his eyes.

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