Chapter 3

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Since starting at Chilton all Rory wanted to do was spend time with the new guy she met before moving schools. Anna was less thrilled with her sisters behaviour as she didn't like the look of him and really did not trust him.

Rory like most people saw Dean as a striking figure; he was a tall boy with broad shoulders and an intense gaze that could seem to pierce right through you. His brown hair always seemed to be on the verge of becoming unruly, but never quite managed it. There was intelligence in his eyes, coupled with empathy and strength of will that made people trust him as soon as they met him.

Anna on the other hand would not describe Dean like that but as having no charm about him, nothing that made you like him. He was gruff and rude, often speaking without thinking or considering the other person's feelings. The way he carried himself spoke to his authority being constantly challenged; it seemed as if he were expecting an argument around every corner.

It was easy for Anna to understand why Rory was so entranced.  He had a presence, and he seemed to know how to use it. He looked at Rory in ways no one else did and expected her opinions before even asking the question. It was simultaneously flattering and overwhelming, especially since she was usually seen as the level-headed twin.

Anna couldn't help but be worried as her sister was drawn further in. She knew that Rory was strong enough to handle whatever might come along, she just wished she had the same confidence when it came to Dean. No matter how well they got along, or what kind of bond they shared, Anna still couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. She just didn't want to see her sister get hurt. But Rory could be determined, and when she had an idea in her head - that was usually the end of it. All Anna could do was hope for the best and try to let Rory know she had a safety net if needed. Despite all this, Anna knew deep down that Rory was happy, and she rejoiced in the fact that one of them had achieved their dreams. ​​But Anna also reminded herself to remain vigilant, one way or another her sister would come back from this adventure a different person than when she left. And no matter what happened, Anna promised to be there for her every step of the way. After all, that's what sisters are for.

​​ Together the two of them could face anything. Their different paths had brought them to this juncture and they were stronger for it. Anna knew her fashion design dreams would never be forgotten, but she'd always have an ally in Rory if she ever needed one. With a determined smile on her face and a firm grip on her sister's hand, Anna knew that no matter what the future brought, they would stay together.

​​ Together the sisters would step into a bright and uncertain future with faith in their hearts and dreams in their heads. They had each other's backs for this new journey knowing that everything was going to be alright. Even though their paths were diverging, there was an unspoken promise to remain as close as ever. Anna and Rory shared this moment of certainty; their future was unwritten but it was filled with possibilities and hope. With one another at each other's side, they knew the future would be brighter than ever before.

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