Chapter 10

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Rory looked up from her plate, glanced towards Emily and Richard with a soft smile, then cleared her throat. "I'd like to ask for your blessing," she began tentatively. "Dean and I have been dating for half a year now, on the 15th of this month – it's our 6-month anniversary. We're planning on having a date on Friday which is our usual dinner date would it be okay if I missed dinner next Friday?" The room was silent as Emily and Richard exchanged looks of understanding; they saw the joy in their granddaughter's expression as she awaited their answer eagerly.

Loreali nervously chewed her lip as she thought about the request, and she couldn't help but worry that her parents wouldn't be pleased if and when they found out. She studied the intricate carvings on top of their dining table as if they could give her an answer. The anxiety bubbled up inside of her like smoke in a chamber until finally, with shoulders downcast, she silently accepted the conditions set before her.

Emily and Richard were pleasantly surprised when Rory announced his plans to miss dinner. They exchanged a look of delighted surprise, then both smiled in approval. "That's wonderful, honey," said Emily with a tinge of shock still lingering on her face. "It sounds like you've got some great activities lined up!" Richard added with enthusiasm as he gave Rory an affectionate pat on the back. Even though they had already finished eating, it was clear.

Mom's expression shifted subtly to one of suspicion as she watched Anna beam with delight at the thought that they were being so understanding toward Rory. She studied her daughter carefully, trying to read her thoughts and assess the situation better. Her brow creased slightly, lips pursed; yet she said nothing but nodded slowly in agreement while observing how Anna seemed blissfully unaware of any potential danger or problems that may have been lingering beneath their seemingly being acceptancting.

Emily and Richard exchanged a knowing glance; behind their curiosity about Anna's love life, they both knew they were asking for their sake. Taking the plunge, Emily asked if Anna was seeing anyone. Richard nodded in agreement at the question before sipping his drink to distract himself from what answer might follow. As he leaned back into his armchair, he allowed that same silence to gently settle over them while anxiously awaiting her response, with a slight hint of desperation as both of them wanted to know if she was dating boys like Dean (not a socially acceptable boyfriend in their eyes.).

Anna gave a noncommittal shrug and responded, "No, not really." She had little regard for boys in general.

Emily and Richard shared a secret smile, their eyes aglow with the thrill of anticipation. Lorelai watched them cautiously, her brow knotting in suspicion as she tried to decipher what was hidden beneath their coy glances. They exchanged a few hushed words that were masked by the dull roar of surrounding conversation, yet revealed enough for her to feel an icy chill in response – something wasn't quite right here.

Anna's cheeks flushed as she realized the implication of their conversation. She had never been in a relationship before, yet here Emily and Richard were implying she was ready for something more than casual dating. Not wanting to reveal too much, Anna looked away and focused her attention on the giant crystal chandelier that hung from the ceiling. It sparkled brilliantly in the moonlight, diverting attention from her awkwardness.

Loreali's face was lit with a small smile as she tentatively approached her parents, eagerly anticipating their reaction. Her eyes sparkled with excitement as she watched her parents interact, almost as if they were sharing a secret joke only they knew. Even the way her father sat in his chair seemed different to Loreali; he was leaning back comfortably and smiling warmly at her. She felt like something had changed between them although it made her a little suspicious of their intentions.


 time skip a week

Anna took her place in the passenger seat while her Mom made herself comfortable behind the wheel. Music blaring, they drove off towards Emily and Richard's house. As they cruised along, Anna peered out of the window at all of the sights passing by.

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