Hecate Hardbroom x Reader

79 1 5

*Type: Smut🌹
*Word count:641
*Requested?: Yes, crashed_planes123

"You are doing so well, my pet."

The school day went by slowly, and the ticking of the clock penetrated your ears. Your students didn't look like they were paying attention to what you were talking about, and neither did you if you were being honest

Everything seemed much more. . .gloomy without Miss Hardbroom being here, which is pretty ironic if you think about it

You have grown fond of the older woman, you would have to be since you are her assistant. But it was more than just a friendly work crush

Not with how you both looked at each other or the subtle but lingering touches you'd both leave, making up any excuse to do so

Like when you were experimenting with making a potion and she came up behind you, pressing her body up against your back and reaching around you to guide you on what to add to it

The feeling of her body against yours lingered on your body weeks after. . .you could still feel it now. . .wait. . .

Was there always someone whispering in your ear?


"I wondered how long it would take you to notice" The very familiar voice chuckled, her voice made you shiver

You took a look around the room, it was empty. Did you space out for that long?

"I know that you've been thinking about me. . ."

She whispered into your ear as she caressed your stomach

You didn't know what to say, she's never been this forward with you

She turned you around, pinning you to the desk

"I've been thinking about you too" She admitted, her eyes half-lidded

Your mind couldn't come up with anything but one thing to say

"I need you" You whispered and she smirked

"As you wish, I'll take care of things first"

With a wave of her hand, a blue light engulfed the room, and any sound was eliminated, only you and she were heard

"Now. . ." She started as she lifted you and sat you down on the desk

"How badly do you want me?" She leaned in, her lips ghosting over yours

You kissed her hungrily, hoping that it would be enough for her but she pulled away almost instantly. A dissatisfied look on her features

"Words Darling" The dark-haired woman chastised, she held your face in her hand. Squeezing it, enough to hold you still but not enough to hurt you

"I. . .I need you, so bad" You felt embarrassed, begging for sex in a place like this

"Good girl" She praised before kissing you and trailing her available hand down your back

Eventually, you both pulled away, your lungs burned but you'd kill for that to happen again

Her hands wandered down your sides, to your thighs and then around the place you wanted her the most. She coyly played with you, seeing you squirm only spurred her on

Soon her hand disappeared into your pants and your underwear. Her direct touch made you squirm and whine a bit

"Please. . ." You whined

"Please fuck me already" Your breathing was already uneven and you were wet even though she barely touched you

She thought for a bit before smiling

"Alright, let's see how long you can stay quiet" A smirk formed on her face as she rubbed your clit, her pace making your hips buck and your back arch

This continued for a while, she never dared to slip a finger inside. Just tease you for a bit

"You are doing so well, my pet" She praised which made the pleasure more intense

Soon your legs were shaking uncontrollably and you held onto her for dear life, she watched you, loving every moment, every twitch

"Since you've been a good girl, I'll treat you nicely" With a wave of her hand she transported you both to her quarters, gently laying you on her bed

God, you loved this woman

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