Marilyn Thornhill x Reader

48 1 1

*Type: Smut🌹
*Word count:707
*Requested?: No
*Tags: Spanking, hair pulling (Briefly) I think that's it? Let me know if there is more

You could barely focus the whole day, everything just went so. . .slow. You needed action! And if you were going to be the one to do it then so be it, though there was one problem. You were in your favorite class and she definitely wasn’t in the mood for silliness today

‘Oh well’ You thought before a Cheshire-like grin spread across your face as you decided what was better, Life or getting murdered by your teacher because you pissed her off

You shrugged and decided that if you’d get murdered then you rather it be Marilyn than anyone else

“So if you see this plant here, The Corpse Flower. It’s called that because it emits a horrid smell that’s similar to rotten flesh-” Marilyn proudly explained but you weren't paying attention

“Do I get bonus points if I act like I care?” You whispered to the person next to you and you both snickered but Marilyn heard you, She gripped the pot holding the flower, refraining from throwing it at your stupid little head

‘Laurel, breathe. You’re Ms Thornhill remember? Easy, calm Thornhill’ She reminded herself before she broke character

“Y/n?” Her sickly sweet voice caught your attention

“Yes?” You matched her tone with a sing-song voice, making the other students laugh

“Meet me after class” Was all she said before she turned back around to finish her lesson


The bell rang and everyone left quickly, you tried to blend in with everyone else. Desperately trying to hide behind other people to avoid your inevitable punishment. It was all in vain though, Enid, a nice, cheery girl, also your friend came up to you to greet you and talk your ears off like she usually does but of course, the loud girl holding onto you slowed you down and brought attention to you. Very unwanted attention

Suddenly you heard a voice

“Enid, I believe you have somewhere to be” Marilyn reminded and Enid nodded before hugging you and leaving, closing the door behind her

You stood there, not wanting to turn to Marilyn, scared of what punishment she could’ve thought of. You had never gotten in trouble with her before which only fueled your uncertainty and slight fear

You took a slight step toward the door, not able to put your foot back down before getting roughly yanked back by your hair

“Where do you think you’re going? Your punishment hasn’t even started” You shivered, her tone was sickenly sweet but you could hear the underlying anger

She dragged you to her desk, you tried to keep up, your feet moving as fast as they could so you wouldn’t fall. Marylin let go of your hair and sat on her desk

“Come lay over my lap” She beckoned you over with her finger, a grin on her face

You stood there, shocked by what you heard. Was this even legal? You mean you are 18 but still

“Hurry, Mommy doesn’t like to wait” She impatiently hissed, slamming her hand on her desk

Mommy. . .something about her calling herself that made your stomach feel odd but you weirdly. . .liked it? You hurried over to her before hesitantly leaning over her lap

“Good girl, now you’ll have to count for Mommy alright?” She asked, her hand bunching up your skirt until she was touching your butt, slightly caressing it

“Count what?-” You couldn’t get your sentence out before a harsh sting ran across your cheeks, your nails dug into her thighs as you tried to keep the tears at bay

Marilyn frowned when she didn’t hear your voice

“I don’t hear counting, if you don’t count then we’ll have to start over” She warned

“H-how much are we doing?” Your voice was shaky as you asked

Marilyn pretended to think for a moment before answering

“Until I feel content” Her eyes scanned your face, already liking the tears that threatened to spill. She wondered what it would look like after she’s finished

“Now! Let’s restart” She chimed and you braced yourself, Her hand came slamming down on your ass, making you whine

“One” You counted, Your voice sounded small and your face felt like it was on fire but she smiled

‘What have I gotten into?’

∆Random woman x Reader∆Where stories live. Discover now