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I hate waiting in the car on people, especially downtown. Police and ticket people always ready to make you move your car. I pressed the call button on my cousin's contact one more time so she could hurry up.

"I'm literally walking out of the building right now don't rush me!" She spat with a attitude before hanging up. Now I should pull off and let her ass uber back to the suburbs.

A few seconds later I seen her walking out talking to another female. I couldn't see who it was but I didn't care she needed to hurry up I had shit to do and money to make.

The passenger side door opened and Erica turned back to the person she was talking to "I will hit you up this weekend you should definitely come out with us Justice" Once I heard the name I finally sat up  and looked back to see who she was talking to. I seen Justice smiling at Erica while she continued talking. I never put it together that Justice went to NorthWestern or the fact that she had the same major as my cousin.

The first few times of me meeting her I didn't ask or have time to. I didn't even text her after Dessi birthday I was busy arguing with Nina that night after she seen me talking to Justice. Later that week I cut her off and been laid back since then.

I got out of the car walking around the front of it. Seeing Justice smile drop as she quickly turned to walk away.

"Wait what happened? You know her?" Erica asked looking at me. I ignored her and followed after Justice not even caring that my car was still blocking half of the street. I had to jog a little to catch up with her. How the hell her short ass legs move that quick?

"Justice, wait" I got close enough to walk side by side with her.

"Do I know you?" she said sarcastically.

Here she go with that attitude shit.

"Man stop playing. Where you been at? I ain't heard from you or seen you with your lil friend" I turned towards her since she finally stopped walking.

"Was I supposed to hit you up first or something? Because I could've sworn you were the one that pretty much wanted my number" she put her hand on her hip.

"I had so much shit going on at the time I ain't wanna start texting or calling you and then not be consistent with it" I was definitely telling the truth.

"Okay" she started to walk away.

"Wait let me atleast drop you off at home"

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