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Justice spaced out as Bleu spoke to the child's mother giving her some updates and improvements from their last visit. Her body was physically there but her mind was else where. considering the fact she lacked sleep since Durk wanted to have sex every time he laid his eyes on her. The examining room door opened and she blinked snapping back into reality.

"Thanks for coming in and it's good to see you're doing way better" He spoke to the child and nodding towards the receptionist desk to assure that she could set up another appointment there. As they walked away his smile faded and he went back into the room closing the door. He leaned against the door and clicked the pen in his hand while staring Justice down.

"May I help you?" she furrowed her eyebrows together.

"What's going on with you? I feel like you're a whole new person today?" His eyes traveled down her body looking at how her body filled her scrubs and then back up to her face.

She rolled her eyes "I'm fine, Just tired." she gathered her things and walked towards the door but he didn't move.

"You know I heard one of your songs, You have a beautiful voice that matches that beautiful face I would love to hear you sing in person sometime"

Justice scoffed "This ain't American Idol" she tried to reach for the door handle but he put his hand on top of hers. By now everyone around Justice knew that she hated to be touched or grabbed without consent.

"Your wife know you always tryna touch on your employees?" She looked up at him with the most disgusted face ever.

He shrugged "What she don't know won't hurt her"

Justice quickly smacked his hand away "Yeah but I'm about to hurt you if you don't stop touching me. The fuck is wrong with you?"

Bleu was shocked he had never heard her talk like that since she usually used her 'corporate' voice around patients and in the office. A smile flashed across his face as he moved out of the way so she could leave the room. His eyes followed her backside before he went back to his office closing the door behind him.

As Justice approached the front desk Chris stopped gossiping with the janitor about the new workers and walked over to her. "Stop frowning it will cause wrinkles when you get older" he sat next to her. The door opened and a young white lady came in with a lot very obvious plastic surgery.

She walked up to the desk and smiled "Hey I'm here to see my husband" she smiled and leaned on the desk a little showcasing the ring that sat on her ring finger. Chris looked over at Justice as they exchanged a confused look.

"Oh-Nevermind there he is" She smiled and the two friends looked over at Bleu who had a stupid grin on his face as he grabbed her hand walking her to his office.

Chris let out a low whistle and turned to face his friend. Who was watching a video on her phone with a mug on her face. She sat the phone down aggressively and then snatched the airpod out of her left ear. "I guess it's fuck with Justice day huh?" she laughed and crossed her arms over her chest.

Since the office was about close and no more patients were scheduled and it was quiet in the front area. Chris picked up the phone and squinted watching the video and then turned the volume up a little so he could here. "Ooop bitch he is cute who is this??" He looked at Justice and she rolled her eyes.

"My ex boyfriend.. well Bestfriend.. My ex bestfriend same shit" She said waving off the subject of who he was and instead thinking about what he said.

Chris sat quietly listening to the interviewer question him about his love life. Jay sat up in the chair "I mean. What yall tryna know?" The rapper laughed.

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