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Bronx, NY 📍

I walked down the streets of my old neighborhood seeing that kids were still running up and down the streets enjoying themselves. I approached the building we once lived in and waited on the stairs since the door was locked and you would have to be buzzed in. It wasn't long before you could hear the door creak open and a older lady was coming out with her grocery cart. "Hold up"  I got up dusting off the back of my pants and going up to the top stair.

I went inside the three story building making my way up the stairs inside. I'm glad I dressed comfortable today. Slowly, pushing open the roof access door I stepped onto the roof. Walking further to the edge and taking a seat. I chose the best time to come up here since the sun was just setting.

Sitting in silence was something I admired the most. But Listening to the natural sounds of sirens, laughter, old heads walking down the streets and the wind made me feel at peace. I pulled out my phone making sure it was on do not disturb and going to my notes. Scrolling through the various folders I had in there I stopped at the 'soul' folder. Creating a new note I swiped out of the app and went back to the song Durk started that night in the studio. I was able to blame being drunk for the reason of not being prepared for my verse.

In reality I wasn't prepared because I didn't expect him to come up with a song like that. I had written multiple songs that you could say were in the 'Rnb and Soul' Category however they were all just me ranting. I felt like I would want my verse on this one to be a little different and from true feelings. That's where the biggest problem came in, because I didn't really have any feelings for him right now.

The rooftop door opened and I snapped my head in it's direction. My jaw dropping when I seen Jay coming towards me. "Ohhh shit! My heart waddup" He came closer to the edge and I locked my phone slipping it in my pocket so I could step up.

"Oh my god were you following me" I smiled and wrapped my arms around him or his torso I should say. He was tall as hell 6'5 to be exact.

"Hell nah, when you moved away I continued coming up here without you" He smirked

I narrowed my eyes at him "How you gone come to my spot without me" I fake pouted and turned back to the street view. It wasn't long before I felt his presence besides me.

"I only did it whenever I missed you"

I couldn't deny the fact that I missed him more. He was my comfort person, my Best Friend I felt closer to him than she did with Dessire but I would never let her know that.

I changed the subject "Why didn't you come to Chicago with MK?"

Jay smirked and stroked the hair on his chin "You was looking for me huh?"

I turned towards him and scrunched up my face "Hell nah" she lied. "I was just so used to always seeing yall always together"

"I had some shit going on with my girl" He spoke up truthfully. It's been a while since I spoke to him however Dessire and I suspected he had a girlfriend especially with the type of Instagram stories he would post, It wasn't long before we found her page. He had a habit of going ghost when he was messing with another female. When he broke up with me he stopped coming around for a whole year. I was emotional as hell and vowed that I would never want to put myself in that situation again.

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